Magical Items

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Revision as of 21:29, 27 May 2024 by Link (talk | contribs)

Magical items do not necessarily have any actual magical properties. Most of them are merely for decoration. While they do not seem to have any magical effect, they are generally mysterious items, and are sometimes very rare. There are many rumours surrounding these items.

Image: Name: Weight:

Blank rune.png

Blank Rune 1.2 oz.

Crystal Ball.png

Crystal Ball 34.0 oz.


Dawnlight 0.2 oz.

Divine Flame.gif

Divine Flame N/A oz.

Essence of magic.gif

Essence of Magic 14.0 oz.


Frozen Starlight 0.2 oz.

Holy falcon.png

Holy Falcon 8.4 oz

Holy scarab.png

Holy Scarab 8.7 oz.

Large Painite Crystal.gif

Large Painite Crystal 2.5 oz.

Lich lord crown.png

Lich Lord Crown 35.0 oz.

Life crystal.png

Life Crystal 2.5 oz.

Loaded Crystal Ball.gif

Loaded Crystal Ball 45.0 oz.
Manuscript of Black Fire.gif Manuscript of Black Fire ?

Painite Crystal Shard.gif

Painite Crystal Shard 0.1 oz.

Purple Frozen Starlight.png

Purple Frozen Starlight 0.2 oz.

Red Frozen Starlight.png

Red Frozen Starlight 0.2 oz.

Roc feather.png

Roc Feather 1.0 oz.

Small Painite Crystal.gif

Small Painite Crystal 1.0 oz.

Soul Emerald

Soul Emerald  ? oz.


Spellbook 1.2 oz.

Void Ball.gif

Void Ball 14.0 oz.

White Frozen Starlight.png

White Frozen Starlight 0.2 oz.

Blue Frozen Starlight.png

Blue Frozen Starlight 0.2 oz.

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