
From Medivia Online Wiki
Heart.png Hit Points: 12000
Xp.png Experience: 15000
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-800), Stone Throw (0-450) (only from a distance), Vomit Toss (0-900, rarely), Haste
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:1700+ when melee, 1300+ when at a distance
Immune To:Fire, Poison, Ice, Lifedrain
Sounds:"Death!", "I'm gonna crush you!"
Task:400 (The Lightbringer Faction)
Note:Extremely fast when hasted and extremely dangerous, keep your distance if you can.
Strategy:The easiest way is to keep distance and kill it with SD's and Small Explosive Runes. A team of a few Archers can use Bolts + HMM's.
Very Common 0-200 Gold Coin
Common War Hammer
Uncommon Dark Armor, Tower Shield, Golden Armor, Warrior Helmet, 0-11 Small Stones
Semi-Rare Dragon Lance, 0-10 Venomshot Bolts, Might Ring, Giant Sword, Rake, Stone Skin Amulet
Rare Heavy Halberd
Skinnable:Abominated arm.gif Abominated Arm with http://wiki.mediviastats.info/Skinning_Knife
Abominated skin piece.gif Abominated Skin Piece with Skinpeeler.png (15%)
Location:Burning Sanctuary (White Rose), Collapsed Tomb (White Rose), Catacombs, Corrupted Island, PoA

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Abomination stats - Sir Fredde