Christmas Event

From Medivia Online Wiki
Christmas tree withpresents.png Red Present Big.png Christmas Event 2024 White Present Big 2.png Christmas tree withpresents.png
December 19th 2024 - January 9th 2025
Visit Santa's house on Neve to collect your present from the Christmas Tree.
Participate in the 'Present Defense' and 'Snowball Fight' minigames to obtain Christmas vouchers
and exchange them for limited Christmas items from Mrs. Claus.
Team up and defeat Santa's evil twin Krampus for vouchers and many other rewards!
To get your Christmas present, go to Santa's house on Neve and right-click the tree,here Map.png.
2018-12-17 14h58 32.png
Get your very own Christmas Tree and decorate it!
Christmas Tree versions.png
Build a Snowman! Big Snowball.png Twigs.png Twigs.png Red Scarf.png Carrot Nose.png Fancy Hat.png
Snowmanbuild1.png Snowmanbuild2.png Snowmanbuild3.png Snowmanbuild4.png Snowmanbuild5.png Snowmanbuild6.png Snowman Full.png

Artificial Pine.png Krampus Boss Fight Artificial Pine.png

Mad Santa.png


Santa Outfit

The Santa outfit can be purchased from the Medivia Store only during the Christmas Event!

Santa Male Base.png Santa Male First.png Santa Male Second.png Santa Male Full.png
Santa Female Base.png Santa Female First.png Santa Female Second.png Santa Female Full.png

Frost Barbarian Outfit

The base Frost Barbarian Outfit can be purchased from Mrs. Claus for 10,000 Christmas Vouchers.
The addons can be purchased for 25,000 Christmas Vouchers each.

Frost Barbarian Male Base.png Frost Barbarian Male First.png Frost Barbarian Male Second.png Frost Barbarian Male Full.png
Frost Barbarian Female Base.png Frost Barbarian Female First.png Frost Barbarian Female Second.png Frost Barbarian Female Full.png

Red Present Big 2.png Present Defense Minigame White Present Big.png

  • You can enter the minigame upstairs in Santa's house.
  • Your level does not matter in this minigame!
  • Both minigames are repeatable every 20 hours!

There are 3 possible wands, one of which you will receive when entering, each has a special effect:

  • Yellow - does moderate damage hitting moderately quickly and has a special ability (right-click wand and left-click target) which does 15-20 damage with a 30 second cooldown.
  • Blue - does lower damage hitting quickly and a has a special ability (right-click wand and left-click target) which paralyzes the target reducing its movement speed with a 20 second cooldown.
  • Purple - does higher damage hitting slowly and has a special ability (right-click wand and left-click target) which does 40-50 damage with a 60 second cooldown.

Layout and Notes

  • Three people can enter the minigame at once.
  • There is a portal (red circles) on each of the 4 sides of the arena!
  • Use the purple flames in the blue circles below to navigate around the arena.
  • Keep an eye on all portals to see where the invaders are coming from!
  • The thieves will walk (as shown with the yellow line!) from the portal to the present pile in the middle and back to the portal, you must destroy them before they steal the presents!
  • Once 4 presents are stolen you lose the game!
  • Make good use of your special abilities to paralyze and quickly dispatch the invaders.
  • There are a total of 10 waves which increase greatly in difficulty!
  • You will be facing Grinshes, Dark Elves and Dark Ogres! The elves are the fastest, and the ogres have the most health so be careful of them!

ChristmasMinigame.png ChristmasMinigame2.png

Winning Strategy

  • Stay very mobile by using the portals to get around a lot and keep an eye on all sides. If you don't pay attention an elf can quickly get through without you noticing.
  • Focus on the elves since they're the quickest, and then the grinshes. Clear away everything before targeting ogres in the last 2 rounds.
  • On the last wave let the first 2 or 3 ogres pass through, clear away the small stuff and then kill the last 1 or 2 ogres that entered (otherwise you most likely won't succeed in winning the minigame).


  • You will get Christmas Vouchers for each completion. You can keep getting vouchers from the minigame again and again on the same char every 20 hours.
  • You can right-click Mrs. Claus to exchange vouchers for special christmas items.

Big Snowball.png Snowball Fight Minigame Big Snowball.png

  • Your level does not matter in this minigame!
  • Both minigames are repeatable every 20 hours!

Upon entering you will receive 25 snowballs, you need to put the snowballs in your hand, right click them and then left click a target on your screen or in your battle list in order to attack and deal damage to invading creatures.


Layout and Notes

  • Three people can enter the minigame at once.
  • As you use your snowballs, snowheaps will appear on the ground around you, you can right-click them to gather more snowballs to throw. Keep in mind that they do disappear after a short while though.
  • You start off with 25 hitpoints, and are granted an extra 5 at the end of each successfully cleared wave.
  • If you lose all your hitpoints you are captured by the creatures and put in a cage which disables you from helping your teammates until you are freed.
  • Creatures will keep spawning in increasing amounts for 11 waves, in the same patterns every time you play.
  • Creatures in the minigame do attacks which are always announced by patterns of red tiles on the ground which you need to avoid quickly.
  • The creatures you will face are Grinshes, Dark Goblins, Dark Elves, Evil Cyclopes and Dark Ogres.
  • Grinshes and Dark Ogres will follow you around the circular arena, but they will only damage you with their special attacks and not with "melee".
  • Dark Goblins, Dark Elves and Evil Cyclopes stand where they spawn at the edges of the circular arena and throw their snowball attacks at you.
  • The creatures' health and attack patterns and strength vary, the most dangerous and beefiest being the Cyclopes and Ogres.
  • Dark Elves' attacks are fairly weak and only cover one square, however they heal other creatures.
  • Every 2 waves, specifically after the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th wave, you will receive 25 Snowball Points and get teleported into a small room for 30 seconds where you can choose to purchase boosts using the points. The available boosts are:
    • Shield Boost - 25 points - provides each player with 2 shields, these will nullify the next 2 attacks you are hit by in the snowball fight.
    • Speed Boost - 25 points - provides each player with a speed boost of 20 on top of their original 200 speed for the next 100 tiles walked in the fight.
    • Damage Boost - 25 points - provides each player with a damage boost making their next 5 snowballs deal twice the damage than normal.
    • Revive - 50 points - releases a player caught by the invading creatures. This can only be used while inside the boost room and not during the fight sequences.


Winning Strategy

  • Avoiding attacks is more important than doing damage, so don't worry too much about hitting perfectly.
  • Avoid walking diagonally, the longer delay after a diagonal step can easily slow you down enough that you won't be able to dodge the next attack.
  • Focus on Dark Elves and kill them first since they heal other creatures.
  • Focus on the same target whenever possible, but not so much that you get too close to your teammates.
  • Keep a distance from your teammates, especially in the later waves. This will make surviving much easier since you won't be getting as many overlapping attacks as you would if you were grouped with your teammates.
  • Start buying shield boosts the 3rd time you are teleported to the boost room, other boosts are not as good.


  • You will get Christmas Vouchers for each completion. You can keep getting vouchers from the minigame again and again on the same char every 20 hours.
  • You can right-click Mrs. Claus to exchange vouchers for special christmas items.

Christmas Voucher.png Items Purchasable with Christmas Vouchers Christmas Voucher.png

Christmas Vouchers are obtained by fighting Krampus and doing the 2 Christmas minigames.
Right-click Mrs. Claus to open the exchange module to view your balance and purchase special Christmas items.
Image: Name: Price: Details:
Twigs.png Twigs 5 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to decorate a Snowman.
Christmas Ball.gif Christmas Ball 15 Christmas Voucher.png 10 of these can be used to decorate a Christmas Tree.
Christmas lights.png Christmas Light 20 Christmas Voucher.png 5 of these can be used to decorate a Christmas Tree.
Fir Seed.gif Fir Tree Seed 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to grow a Christmas Tree (Fir Tree).
Christmas Star.png Christmas Star 50 Christmas Voucher.png One of these can be used to decorate a Christmas Tree.
Big Snowball.png Big Snowball 30 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to build a Snowman.
Fancy Hat.png Fancy Hat 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to decorate a Snowman.
Red Scarf.png Red Scarf 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to decorate a Snowman.
Carrot Nose.png Carrot Nose 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to decorate a Snowman.
Lump of Coal.png Lump of Coal 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be used to decorate a Snowman.
Bag of Goodies.png Bag of Goodies 30 Christmas Voucher.png A delicious treat.
Blue Christmas Ball.png Blue Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large blue light. Can be hung on a wall.
Green Christmas Ball.png Green Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large green light. Can be hung on a wall.
Yellow Christmas Ball.png Yellow Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large yellow light. Can be hung on a wall.
Purple Christmas Ball.png Purple Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large purple light. Can be hung on a wall.
Red Christmas Ball.png Red Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large red light. Can be hung on a wall.
Orange Christmas Ball.png Orange Christmas Ball 25 Christmas Voucher.png Provides a large orange light. Can be hung on a wall.
Teacup1.png Teacup (Blue) 15 Christmas Voucher.png A nice looking teacup, can hold liquid.
Teacup2.png Teacups (Blue) 15 Christmas Voucher.png Nice looking teacups, can hold liquid.
Teapot2.png Teapot (Blue) 50 Christmas Voucher.png A nice looking teapot, can hold liquid.
Teacup3.png Teacup (Brown) 15 Christmas Voucher.png A nice looking teacup, can hold liquid.
Teacup4.png Teacups (Brown) 25 Christmas Voucher.png Nice looking teacups, can hold liquid.
Teapot.png Teapot (Flowery) 50 Christmas Voucher.png A nice looking teapot, can hold liquid.
Santa's Hat.png Santa's Hat 50 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy santa hat!
Christmas Lamp.png Christmas Lamp 50 Christmas Voucher.png Provides some light.
Small Christmas Lantern.png Small Christmas Lantern 30 Christmas Voucher.png Provides some light.
Christmas-carpet.png Christmas Carpet 30 Christmas Voucher.png A festively colored carpet.
Christmas Cushion.png Christmas Cushion 50 Christmas Voucher.png A lovely Christmas decoration.
Light Background Hangable Christmas Lights.gif Hangable Christmas Lights 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be hung on a wall. Provides some light.
Christmas Wreath.png Christmas Wreath 50 Christmas Voucher.png Can be hung on a wall. A lovely Christmas decoration.
Purple Christmas Tapestry.gif Purple Christmas Tapestry 50 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy purple tapestry, can be hung on a wall.
Red Christmas Tapestry.gif Red Christmas Tapestry 50 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy red tapestry, can be hung on a wall.
Colorful Christmas Stocking.gif Colorful Christmas Stocking 100 Christmas Voucher.png A joyful christmas stocking! Can be hung on a wall.
Red Christmas Stocking.gif Red Christmas Stocking 100 Christmas Voucher.png A joyful christmas stocking! Can be hung on a wall.
Purple Christmas Stocking.gif Purple Christmas Stocking 100 Christmas Voucher.png A joyful christmas stocking! Can be hung on a wall.
Green Christmas Stocking.gif Green Christmas Stocking 100 Christmas Voucher.png A joyful christmas stocking! Can be hung on a wall.
Artificial Pine.png Artificial Pine 125 Christmas Voucher.png An artificial decorative pine.
Decorated Artificial Pine.png Decorated Artificial Pine 125 Christmas Voucher.png An artificial decorated christmas pine.
Red Holiday Tile.png Red Holiday Tile 150 Christmas Voucher.png A colourful christmasy floor tile. Can replace your house floors.
Green Holiday Tile.png Green Holiday Tile 150 Christmas Voucher.png A colourful christmasy floor tile. Can replace your house floors.
Festive Curtain (Left).gif Festive Curtain 300 Christmas Voucher.png A red curtain, can be hung on a wall
Festive Curtain (Right).gif Festive Curtain 300 Christmas Voucher.png A red curtain, can be hung on a wall.
Rainbow Candles.gif Rainbow Candles 300 Christmas Voucher.png
Hangable Christmas Lights BW.gif Hangable Christmas Lights 400 Christmas Voucher.png Can be hung on a wall. Provides some light.
Hangable Christmas Lights PP.gif Hangable Christmas Lights 400 Christmas Voucher.png Can be hung on a wall. Provides some light.
Hangable Christmas Lights C.gif Hangable Christmas Lights 400 Christmas Voucher.png Can be hung on a wall. Provides some light.
Blinking Floor Christmas Lights.gif Blinking Floor Christmas Lights 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Floor Christmas Lights.gif Floor Christmas Lights 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Floor Christmas Light Balls.gif Floor Christmas Light Balls 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Small Bubblegum Tree.png Small Bubblegum Tree 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Small Chocolate Tree.png Small Chocolate Tree 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Red Bauble Lamp.png Red Bauble Lamp 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Pink Bauble Lamp.png Pink Bauble Lamp 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Blue Bauble Lamp.png Blue Bauble Lamp 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Green Bauble Lamp.png Green Bauble Lamp 400 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Yellow Bauble Lamp.png Yellow Bauble Lamp 700 Christmas Voucher.png
Light Background Rainbow Bauble Lamp.gif Rainbow Bauble Lamp 800 Christmas Voucher.png
Bubblegum Tree.png Bubblegum Tree 800 Christmas Voucher.png
Candyleaf Tree.png Candyleaf Tree 800 Christmas Voucher.png
Chocolate Tree.png Chocolate Tree 800 Christmas Voucher.png
Gingerbread Man.gif Gingerbread Man 600 Christmas Voucher.png
Green Christmas Backpack.png Green Christmas Backpack 700 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy looking backpack! Provides 25 item spaces.
Pink Christmas Backpack.png Pink Christmas Backpack 700 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy looking backpack! Provides 25 item spaces.
Purple Christmas Backpack.png Purple Christmas Backpack 700 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy looking backpack! Provides 25 item spaces.
Snowman.png Big Snowman 750 Christmas Voucher.png A decorative snowman. Looks like a good hugger.
Frozen Wand.gif Frozen Wand 1750 Christmas Voucher.png A mystical frozen wand, purely decorative.
Blue Decorated Christmas Backpack.png Blue Decorated Christmas Backpack 2500 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy looking backpack! Provides 25 item spaces.
Decorated Christmas Backpack.png Decorated Christmas Backpack 2500 Christmas Voucher.png A christmasy looking backpack! Provides 25 item spaces.
Orange Magic Sparkles.gif Orange Magic Sparkles 2500 Christmas Voucher.png Magical sparkles, can be placed on a wall.
Colorful Magic Sparkles.gif Colorful Magic Sparkles 2500 Christmas Voucher.png Magical sparkles, can be placed on a wall.
Christmas Teddy Bear.png Christmas Teddy Bear 3000 Christmas Voucher.png An adorable Christmas teddy.
Wooden House.gif Wooden House 2000 Christmas Voucher.png
Improved Wooden House.gif Improved Wooden House 2000 Christmas Voucher.png
Wooden House.gif
Light Background Snow Globe.gif Snow Globe 5000 Christmas Voucher.png
Improved Wooden House.gif
Snow can be turned on or off.
Bunny Doll.gif Bunny Doll 5000 Christmas Voucher.png
Christmas Bunny Doll.gif Christmas Bunny Doll Bunny Doll.gif + Santa's Hat.png
Pug Doll.gif Pug Doll 5000 Christmas Voucher.png
Christmas Pug Doll.gif Christmas Pug Doll Pug Doll.gif + Santa's Hat.png
Elf Helper Doll.png Elf Helper Doll 6000 Christmas Voucher.png A handsome looking doll.
Santa Doll.png Santa Doll 7000 Christmas Voucher.png A handsome looking doll.
Mrs. Claus Doll.png Mrs. Claus Doll 7000 Christmas Voucher.png A handsome looking doll.
Enchanted Snowflake.gif Enchanted Snowflake 10000 Christmas Voucher.png A magical snowflake, can be placed on a wall.
Santa's Present Bag.png Santa's Present Bag 15000 Christmas Voucher.png A present bag just like Santa's! Provides 50 item spaces, weighs 142 oz.
missing missing Frost Barbarian Base Outfit 10000 Christmas Voucher.png
missing missing Frost Barbarian First Addon 25000 Christmas Voucher.png
missing missing Frost Barbarian Second Addon 25000 Christmas Voucher.png

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