Orc Leader

From Medivia Online Wiki
Orc Leader
Orc Leader.gif
Heart.png Hit Points: 450
Xp.png Experience: 540
Summon.png Summon: 640
Convince.png Convince: 640
Abilities:Melee (0-185), Throwing Knife (0-70)
Class:Humanoid (Orc)
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:+350 damage per turn
Immune To:Fire, Invisibility
Sounds:"Ulderek futgyr human!".
Task:550 The Minotaur Faction
Note:Orc leaders fight to the death and chase their enemies while throwing Throwing Knives at them.
Old sprites: 843.png Orcleader.gif
KnightsYou should have skills 75/75 to hunt them.
Mages and DruidsYou should use Sudden Death to kill them.
ArchersYou should run while shooting Bolt or Arrow. The Shakirian Bow and Poisoned Bow are very effective.
Very Common 0-30 Gold Coin, Herring, Dagger, Backpack
Common Meat, Scimitar, Throwing Knife, Plate Shield, Longsword
Uncommon Melee Ring, Brass Legs
Semi-Rare Plate Armor, Broad Sword
Rare Plate Legs
Extremely Rare Warrior Helmet
Skinnable:Teeth.png Orc Teeth with Skinning knife.png

Orc Head.png Orc Head with Skinpeeler.png

Patch of Orc Skin.png Patch of Orc Skin with Hunter's Knife.png
Location:Orc Fortress, Garrogat Orc Cave, Cyclopolis, Coldridge

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