Silver Brooch Quest Spoiler

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32px-Important_Icon.pngSilver Brooch Quest

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Reward: 3 Small Diamond, 2 Small Ruby, Silver Brooch
Location: Rotworm Cave, west of Venore
Level required: 0
Be prepared to face: Watcher, Mummy, Rotworm
Legend: A group of Watchers build up a hideout right above the tomb of a family.

Silver Brooch Quest


Required Equipment


NOTE: There are a number of ways to reach this cave. Described here is the safest route.

  • Make your way to the cave entrance in Green Claw Swamp (here). The quickest way is to come from the west (by the Dwarf Bridge). You'll need to fall down a partially hidden pitfall.
  • Once in the cave, follow this route to the east. You will face Poison Spider, Rotworm and sometimes lured Watcher. Go down the hole:


  • Take this short passage to the south (there are no monsters here), and go down the hole:


  • Follow this path to the east and south. There will be 3 Watcherin the larger room (you can also lure them 1 by 1 if you don't wish to waste). Once you have killed the Watcher, use your pick in the circled area on the map:


  • When you go down into the pick hole, you will be faced with up to 5 Mummy in a very small room. kill the mummies and "Use" a coffin on the north end of this room to get your reward.


This Video shows how it's done.

This video shows how the Quest is done. Lower leveled players can also team up and rope the mummies. Keep in mind that the mummies will not move if you are on the floor above. Do not forget to bring a pick!
