Undead Dragon

From Medivia Online Wiki
Undead Dragon
Undead Dragon 1 Blue.gif
Heart.png Hit Points: 26,500
Xp.png Experience: 37,000
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-1800+), Blue Death Ball (500-700), Short range Death Missile (250-700+), Death Wave (~1400-1850), Self-Healing (slow, ~200 hp/turn), Paralyze
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:+4000 dmg per turn
Immune To:Fire, Poison, Death, Ice, Lifedrain
Task:100 (The Lightbringer Faction)
Strategy:A good blocker and preferrably a healer are recommended to hunt these, an undead dragon can combo down a level 200 knight. Energy wall rune might be very useful while teamhunting these to avoid the waves. Seperate the UD from shooters to give them more time to react, preferrably stay near stairs so they can hop.
Very Common Gold Coin.gif Small Sapphire.gif
Common Green Mushroom.png Small Emerald.gif War Hammer.png Gemmed Book.png Life Crystal.png Black Pearl.gif Tower Shield.png Dragon Lance.png
Uncommon Two Handed Sword.png Skull Staff.gif Power Bolt.gif Energy Ring.png Golden Mug.png
Semi-Rare Giant Sword.png Dragon Slayer.png Shadowfall.png Hellforged Shield.png Ancient Helmet.png
Rare Hellforged Axe.png
Extremely Rare Hellforged Armor.png Undead Dragon Trophy.gif Ouroboros.png
Skinnable:UDshieet.png Pile of Bones Skinpeeler.png 10%
Ancient Bone skin.png Ancient Bone Skinning Knife.png 3-5%?
Location:Coldridge, Catacombs, Serpentine tomb (18 minutes spawn), Single Undead Dragon Cave, Undead Dragon Hell

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