
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 20:07, 10 July 2024 by Link (talk | contribs) (loot update)

{{Monster| name=Moerius| class=Creature| image= Moerius.png| hp=14,620| exp=11,200| summon=--| convince=--| abilities=Melee (0-?)| pushable=?| push_objects=y| location=Luana| note=Part of the Swamp Hell Quest on Luana.| immune_to=Energy, Fire, Poison, Lifedrain| est_max_damage= 0-?| |loot_very_common=0-200 Gold Coins, Double Axe, Serpent Sword, Poison Dagger, Brass Armor, Steel Shield, Battle Shield, Two Handed Sword, Ruby Necklace |loot_common= |loot_uncommon=0-3 Small Diamond, Time Ring, [[The Stinger] |loot_semi-rare=Knight Armor |loot_rare=Envenomed Crossbow, Swamp Demon Trophy |loot_very_rare= |loot_extremely_rare= }}