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{{Test| category=Helmets|  
name=Steel Helmet|  
image=[[File:Steel_helmet.png|Steel Helmet]]|
arm=6| weight=46.0| loot_value=293 - 400 gp| dropped_by=[[Black Knight]], [[Dragon]], [[Dwarf Guard]], [[Corrupted Spider]],[[Gargoyle]], [[Giant Spider]], [[Nether Spider]]| buy_from_kazordoon=[[Kroox]] (580 gp) | buy_from_carlin=[[Cornelia]] (580 gp)| buy_from_thais=[[Sam]] (580 gp)| buy_from_ab'dendriel=[[Shanar]] (580 gp)| buy_from_cirone=[[Jeyden]] (600 gp)| sell_to_yehsha=[[Noranim]] (293 gp) | sell_to_kazordoon=[[Kroox]] (293 gp) | sell_to_carlin=[[Cornelia]] (293 gp) | sell_to_osaris=[[Hasain]] (293 gp) | sell_to_abdendriel=[[Shanar]] (190 gp) | sell_to_garrogat=[[Risdarick]] (190 gp) | sell_to_thais=[[Sam]] (190 gp) | sell_to_venore=[[Yanni]] (190 gp) | note=A good helmet for low level players, but a [[Dark Helmet]],which is equal in armor and weight, is easier to get.
abilities=Melee (0-550), Great Fireball (100-250), Great Energy Beam (300-400), Manadrain, Light Healing, Summons 1 [[Fire Elemental]]|
immune_to=Energy, Fire, Poison|
neutral_to=Ice, Physical|
task=6666 ([[Item Tasks]])|
est_max_damage=1200+ hp per turn|
sounds="MUHAHAHAHA!"; "I SMELL FEEEEEAAAR!"; "IGGOTH AKAL AGGA'ZALAN!"; "There is no point in running from the inevitable!"; "Your soul belongs to me!"|
note=Try to stay diagonal to avoid their Energy Beam.<br>
Old sprite:[[File:2723.png]]|
strategy=Archers can solo them comfortably using [[Heavy Frozen Missile]] and ammunition at level 200-250+.<br>Knights and shooters can teamhunt them efficiently at level 250+ with the blocker tanking 3 at once while the shooters use [[Explosion]]s and [[Small Explosive Rune]]s.|
skinnable=[[File:Demonic Claw.png|link=http://wiki.mediviastats.info/Demonic_Claw]] [[Demonic Claw]] with [[File:Skin_Peeler.png|link=Skinpeeler]] '''''10%~'''''|
location=[[Demon Hell]], [[Diabolic Tower]] (Corrupted Island), Catacombs single spawn, Fire Seal in POA|
loot_very_common=0-250~ [[Gold Coin]], 0-6 [[Fire Mushroom]]|
loot_common=[[Double Axe]], [[Small Emerald]]|
loot_uncommon=[[Orb]], [[Fire Axe]], [[Talon]], [[Demon Tusk]]|
loot_semi-rare=[[Gold Ring]], [[Platinum Amulet]], [[Devil Helmet]], [[Demon Shield]], [[Giant Sword]], [[Purple Tome]], [[Stealth Ring]], [[Golden Sickle]]|
loot_rare=[[Golden Legs]], [[Mastermind Shield]], [[Ring of Healing]], [[Smoke Bomb Rune]], [[Ice Rapier]]|
loot_very_rare=[[Might Ring]]|
loot_extremely_rare=[[Magic Plate Armor]], [[Blazing Crossbow]]|

Revision as of 11:39, 23 June 2024