Novus NPCs

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 19:57, 29 November 2020 by Crownster (talk | contribs)
Name Picture Job Trading
Al Dee Al Dee.gif Merchant Yes
Amber Amber.PNG Adventurer No
Billy Billy.gif Farmer Yes
Blind Orc Blind Orc.png Merchant Yes
Bunzos Bunzos.gif Bartender Yes
Dallheim Dallheim.gif Bridgeguard No
Dixi Dixi.PNG Merchant Yes
Eike Eike.gif Temple Attendant No
Elanor Elanor.gif Florist Yes
Hyacinth Hyacinth.PNG Cleric, Healer Yes
Lee'Delle Lee'Delle.gif Merchant Yes
Lily Lily.gif Cleric, Shopkeeper Yes
Loui Loui.gif Monk No
Marie Marie.gif Butcher Yes
Norma Norma.PNG Merchant Yes
Obi Obi.PNG Merchant Yes
The Gatekeeper The Gatekeeper.gif Clairvoyant No
The Oracle The Oracle.gif Clairvoyant No
Seymour Seymour.PNG Headmaster Yes
Sergeant Vaio Sergeant Vaio.gif Sergeant of the Militia No
Spirit File:Spirit.gif Ghost No
Tom Tom.PNG Tanner Yes
Waldemar Waldemar.gif Monk No
Willie Willie.gif Farmer Yes
Zerbrus Zerbrus.gif Guard No
Zolmas Zolmas.gif Priest No

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