Chaos Hydra

From Medivia Online Wiki
Chaos Hydra
Chaos Hydra.png
Heart.png Hit Points: ~300,000
Xp.png Experience: 170,000
Summon.png Summon:
Convince.png Convince:
Abilities:Melee (0-1549+), Curse Wave (0-1240+), Mass Curse Explosion (0-1210+), Curse Shot (0-1185+), Frontal Cursed Pillars (0-1200+), Mana Drain (0-188+), Explosion of Curse Fields (DoT effect starting at 300 damage and counting down), Paralyze, Self-Healing.

Chance for Chaos Hydra to spawn a hexagon of Chaos Entities (up to 6 entities) around the Hydra's target that last 10 seconds and do announced attack in either a diagonal or straight line for 3 tiles. Each entity can attack once per 2 seconds. (0-1739+).

Chance for Chaos Hydra to begin a "rain" of cursed explosions for 10? seconds (0-1800+?), these attacks are announced by red squares 1-2 seconds before and can be avoided.

Chance for Chaos Hydra to empower itself, changing the sprite and ?? Empowers damage ?? to:
Melee (0-1549+), Curse Wave (0-1240+), Mass Curse Explosion (0-1424+), Curse Shot (0-1796+), Frontal Cursed Pillars (0-1200+), Mana Drain (0-188+)

  • Phases can happen simulaneously (e.g. Chaos Hydra can be empowered and rain chaos down).
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:without Divine Flame or curse resistance eq:
7000+ (16500+ with Chaos Entities, + with rain, + with empowered Hydra)
Immune To:Curse, Death, ?
Note:Extremely powerful creatures. A combo such as the one shown below is very rare but possible so keep the Divine Flame effect active!

Chaos Hydra do you a dead.gif
Strategy:At least level 500 and equipment with curse resistance such as items from the Umbral set and a healer are recommended to block these. You and your shooters should keep the Divine Flame effect active on you at all times (preferrably the stronger version you get once you complete the faction). Keep the Hydra close enough to stairs so that your shooters can stair hop if need be. Make sure to dodge the rain of cursed explosions as they can kill even the best knights if caught with a bad combo. During the hexagon of Chaos Entities make sure to keep moving to dodge their hit and to never stand in the centre as all 6 may attack. The entities will only attack if you are within a few sqms of them. It's also recommended to keep refreshing Taunt to prevent it from retargetting for 6 seconds.
Mages and druids should use mana shield if they want to survive, stay near the stairs. Might Ring is recommended to conserve your mana if your blocker isnt refreshing taunt to prevent retargets. Make sure to avoid the announced attacks.
For archers mana shield is also recommended, although you absolutely want to wear a Might Ring. Make sure to avoid the announced attacks.
Loot:0-3 Crystal Coin, 0-100 Platinum Coin, 0-15 Small Amethyst, 0-15 Small Onyx, 0-5 Polished Amethyst, Wand of Light, Tower Shield, Forgotten Soul, Elite Knight Legs (semi-rare), Elite Knight Armor (semi-rare), Elite Knight Helmet (semi-rare), Elite Knight Boots (semi-rare), ???
Skinnable:Chaos Hydra Claw.png Chaos Hydra Claw with Hunter's Knife.png
Chaos Hydra Tongue.png Chaos Hydra Tongue with Skinpeeler.png
Chaos Hydra Scale.png Chaos Hydra Scale with Skinning Knife.png

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