
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 15:56, 10 June 2024 by MoonMoon (talk | contribs)

Colorized party loot messages were introduced in the update 7.60 (May/2024).

Item drops in party loot message are colorized based on loot chance from the mob the item was dropped from.
The color depends only on the rarity of the loot, it does not depend on the value of the loot.

Item name is yellow if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 0.1% ( extremely rare ).
Item name is red if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 0.3% ( very rare ).
Item name is purple if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 0.6% ( rare ).
Item name is blue if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 2% ( semi-rare ).
Item name is green if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 6% ( uncommon ).
Item name is white if the item's base loot chance is equal or lower than 15% ( common ).
Item name is grey if the item's base loot chance is higher than 15% ( very common ).
Base loot chance is loot chance on game worlds with 1x loot rate.
For example, on high (3x) loot rate game worlds item's name color is yellow if loot chance is equal or lower than 0.3% instead of 0.1%