Geomancer Quest

From Medivia Online Wiki
Dwarfgeomancer.gif Geomancer Quest
Reward: Small Sapphire, Small Diamond, Dwarven Ring
Location: Deeper Mines under Mittenhoff
Level required: 0
Be prepared to face: Small Spider, Bat, Poison Spider, Dwarf, Dwarf Soldier, Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Geomancer
32px-Important Icon.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!
  • Beginning in Mittenhoff, follow the arrows into the Deeper Mines:

Geomancer1.png Geomancer2.png

Geomancer3.png Geomancer4.png

Geomancer5.png Geomancer6.png

  • If you go where the "X" is you will encounter an Emperor Scorpion (Like the sign says). Go up:


  • Then follow one-ways until you reach the quest room:


The reward is in the chest.

Go back to Quests.