Guardian Shield

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Revision as of 16:04, 3 March 2024 by Link (talk | contribs)
Guardian Shield
You see a Guardian Shield (Def:30). 
It weighs 55.0 oz.
 Vitality (10/8/5), Guardian (2), Fortified (1), Block (1%)
Weight:55.0 oz
Dropped by:Revenant, Elf Guardian, Fiery Skeleton, Fire Devil, Hippopotamus, Hirnus Bloodhoof
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
ArakTravelling Merchant (180 gp)
FalconAshun (2000 gp; only after completing the The Explorers Guild)
Outlaw CampP.K. (150 gp)
YehshaNah'Bob (2000 gp; only after completing the Blue Djinn missions)
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