Demon Legs

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 17:15, 31 March 2024 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Increases mana regeneration by (x) mana points per 16 regeneration turns (PoM 1 = +6.25% to your base regeneration speed). One regeneration turn is the length of time it takes for you to regenerate 1 mana point normally, this depends on your vocation, promotion and game world (e.g. a high mage on Legacy and Destiny regenerates 1 mana per 2 seconds, so PoM 1 will give +1 mana point every 32 seconds; a high mage on Progeny, Pendulum and Purity regenerates 1 mana per 1 second...)
Demon Legs
You see Demon Legs (Arm:10). 
It weighs 70.0 oz.
Item Rank:310
Properties:Intelligence (13), 1% fire resistance, 2% energy resistance
 Resistance (Fire, 4%), LINKED:{Intelligence (16) + Intellect (60)}, Amplify Magic Shield (10%), Mana Absorb (4%), Presence of Mind (1)
Weight:70.0 oz
Dropped by:None.
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
Outlaw CampP.K. (84 gp)
Note:Obtainable only through the 6666 Demons Task.
One pair is needed in the Demon Slayer Attire Quest.
At first, the legs had an armor value of 9, but after some community feedback and complaints the armor value was increased to 10.
Old sprite: Demon Legs.gif

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