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Revision as of 11:29, 20 June 2024 by MoonMoon (talk | contribs)

{{Monster |name=Mictlantecuhtli |image=Mictlantehuctli.png |hp= |exp= |summon= |convince= |abilities= Mictlan - Melee (--), poison fields ( summons cursed skulls ) poison wave (--), poison bomb (--)
Tecuhtli - melee (--), curse fields(--), curse wave (--), curse bomb (--)
Mictlantehuctli - melee (--), energy fields ( heals boss), energy wave (--), energy bomb (--). |pushable=n |push_objects=y |walks_around= |immune_to= |neutral_to= |task= |est_max_damage= |sounds= |note=First phase you face Mictlan.png Mictlan (poison) and Tecuhtli.png Tecuhtli (curse)
Second phase twin skulls collides becomes Mictlantehuctli (energy).
Part of the Demonic Faction |strategy= |strategy_warriors= |strategy_mages= |strategy_scouts= |loot= Ruby Tear (very rare), Helmet of Torment (very rare), Ward of Sheol(very rare) |loot_very_common-->greywhitegreenbluepurpleredyellow