
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 00:43, 1 July 2024 by Malious (talk | contribs)
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Heart.png Hit Points: 29
Xp.png Experience: 36
Summon.png Summon: 250
Convince.png Convince: 250
Abilities:Melee (0-23)
Class:Insect (Beetle)
Push Objects:
Est. Max Damage:23
Immune To:None
Task:100 (Experience Tasks), 100 (Novus Tasks)
Note:Bugs will not retreat. They are good to gain experience from because of their low defence. Be very cautious of these in Novus as they can easily gang up and break your blocking.
Old sprite: Bug.gif
Very Common 0-8 Gold Coin
Uncommon 0-3 Cherry
Location:Thoris Sewers, Arak Sewers, Lucindel Bug Cave, Novus

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