
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 23:00, 26 December 2020 by Zeromontis (talk | contribs)


6000~ Hit Points
10 000 Experience Points per kill

Summon/Convince: --/--
Abilities: Melee (0-??), Burst Arrow (0-272?), Energy Missile (0-146; physical damage), Energy Beam (0-??), Fire Bomb, Light Healing (50-100?), Summons 0-4 Stone Golem, Invisibility (Often)

Field Notes: It's the Warlock boss. Needed for the 4th mission of the Assassin Outfit Quest. When he is respawned, Drakus will say "Someone told me that he revealed himself not too long ago. I receive such reports quite often, approximately every two days". Respawns again after two days.

Location: Abukir mountain, here

Warriors: Explosion runes are a must, otherwise he will hardly reveal himself for you to hit him with a melee weapon. A good tactic is to shoot the Explosion rune and immediately attack him once he is revealed. Back him into a corner but be sure to stand diagonal so as to avoid the Energy Beam.
Scouts: Don't get surrounded by the Stone Golems and shoot Sudden Death Rune's. Best to back him into a corner where it can't move.
Mages: Same as Scout.

Loot: Inkwell, Poison Dagger , Skull Staff, Ring of the Sky,(rest unknown)

Boss Creatures