
From Medivia Online Wiki

{{Monster| name=Jaffr| hp=?| exp=2100| est_max_damage=800 damage per turn| image=Jaffr.png| abilities=Melee (0-600+), Throwing Star (0-200), Invisibility| loot=0-90 Gold Coin, 0-10 Throwing Star, 0-3 Meat, Doublet, Brass Legs| note=Previous executioner of Yehsha. You must prevent his manhunt, to become a new [[Executioner Outfit Quest|executioner of Yehsha]. | sounds=Gore, gore, gore!| push_objects=y| neutral_to=Physical| pushable=n| immune_to=Energy, Fire, Invisibility| summon=--| convince=--| strategy=Use Sudden Death Rune or Explosion Rune to kill him as soon as possible.}}