The One Below Quest

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Revision as of 02:46, 13 November 2023 by Link (talk | contribs) (quest 2.0)
Boots of haste.png The One Below Quest
Reward: 100 Platinum Coin, Boots of Haste, Giant Sword, Banshee Trophy, Stealth Ring, Tower Shield, Stone Skin Amulet
Location: Thoris, Ghostland Thoris
Level required: 60
Be prepared to face: Banshee, Lich, Restless Skeleton, Necromancer, Vampire, Bonebeast, Demon Skeleton, Eye Of Shadow, Ghost, Slime, Skeleton, Scorpion
32px-Important Icon.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!

You will need Vial of Blood, Vial of Slime, Mission 7 requires 2 people

Mission 1

  • Go to Thoris and speak with NPC Garrant about mission (he is located in the Baron's Castle here Map.png)
  • He will send you to speak with NPC Forron (he is located here Map.png)
  • After talking with NPC Forron report back to NPC Garrant. He will ask you to explore the Ghostland.

Mission 2

  • Head east from Thoris and explore Ghostland. Somewhere around the way you should hear a ghost screaming "Mors valebit".
  • To trigger the scream follow the path shown below in mission 4 (specifically the 4th picture) you should get text stating "The spectre screams something in unknown to you language, maybe the scribe in Thoris will know something about this."

Mission 3

  • Go back to Thoris and speak with NPC Hosef say "hi" "mission" then use the keyword "Mors valebit". He is located on upper floor of Baron's Castle (here Map.png)
  • Hosef will be appalled by what you tell him but give no mission. Simply continue with mission 4 after Hosef has had his outburst.
  • If he doesn't respond to you try talking to NPC Garrant first.

Mission 4

  • Go to Ghostland again and proceed into north-west cave (here Map.png)
  • Follow the red path below. If the brick wall at the end is closed you need to follow the green paths. At each end you will find the lever; you have to pull all three to remove the brick wall.

TheOneBelow1.png TheOneBelow2.png


  • Continue following the path below and open the wall(red circle) by saying "MORS VALEBIT" when standing next to it(WARNING: on the last floor you will fight few Banshee)

TheOneBelow4.png TheOneBelow5.png

  • You will find yourself in an underground citadel. Speak to NPC Fasha(she is just west from the stairs). about 'sadness' and 'music.

After that go downstairs and to the west to find NPC Faya and ask her about 'Fasha' and 'music.

  • Go back past NPC Fasha and play the harp located west of her.(WARNING! After doing this you will be teleported to new location with a lot of Banshee and you will have to face 3 of them at once at the start!)


  • After killing the monsters speak to NPC Fasha who is now located just east from the harp you've played and ask about mission. She will ask you to find Book of Blood.

Mission 5

  • Head north-west from NPC Fasha till you find yourself in a narrow passage blocked by bars.


  • To go past those bars you have to wait till some blood steps appear on the floor. After seeing them you can run past bars.
  • The mechanics of this in unknown/random.
  • Go downstairs, then north and east(red path) to find Book of Blood (WARNING! You will have to fight few Warlock on the way)


  • Right-click the Book of Blood and go back to NPC Fasha and say 'Hi' -> 'Book of Blood'

Mission 6

  • After reporting back to NPC Fasha follow the very same path to the Warlock's area but instead of going east go west(green path)


  • Speak to NPC Eddie(green circle). He will ask you to bring him a Vial of Blood and a Vial of Slime to prepare corrupted blood.
  • After bringing him both vials go back to NPC Fasha once again.

Mission 7

  • You need to find two Black Basins and pour Corrupted Blood into them. (If you are with a team everyone will need to fill the basins, the time for basin to drain is roughly 1 minute.)
  • The first one is located in the southern part behind sealed doors. Go downstairs south from Fasha and follow the maps below:

TheOneBelow10.png TheOneBelow11.png

  • On the way you would have to cross an invisible bridge which might be a little tricky. Also there are 2 levers(green circles on the map above) to be pulled to unlock the further way.


  • Second basin is located in northern part of the citadel.
  • You need to right-click two Coal Basins(red circles). Since the passage is open for very brief time you will need 2nd person to help you with it.


  • After clicking the basins head downstairs and north. At the end of the path you need to levitate down:


  • On the south you will find second Black Basin. After pouring the Corrupted Blood inside you can go back to NPC Fasha using close-by ropeplace.


Mission 8

  • Report back to NPC Fasha. She will ask you to find and kill The One Below.
  • Go north(you will have to open the way using two Coal Basins again) and past sealed doors. At the end you will find The One's Below nest. The boss is surrounded with many Banshee, Restless Skeleton, Lich and similar creatures.
  • Boss Fight Video

TheOneBelow15.png TheOneBelow16.png

  • After killing it speak with NPC Fasha once again. She will grant you access to the reward room which is located south from here, behind sealed doors.
  • To finish the quest go back to Thoris and speak with NPC Garrant. He gives you additional 10k as the reward.

Go back to Quests.