
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 00:08, 30 June 2023 by Madzi (talk | contribs)
Heart.png Hit Points: 6700
Xp.png Experience: 5900
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-600), Fire Explosion (0-150?), Fire Strike (0-500?), Fire Wave (600-800), Summons 0-8 Dark Follower, Heavy Paralyze, Light Healing.
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:+3000 damage per turn (with summons)
Immune To:Fire
Sounds:"Another pile of bones.", "TRAITOR!", "I WILL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD", "Fire and death never ends here.", "Down on your kness I want you to beg!", "FIRE SHALL CLEANSE YOUR SINS!"
Task:500 (Item Tasks)
Note:One of the Omens of Yehsha, the fourth Omen you face in the Lord Azeran questline. The Elyon of War. General of Armies. Always ready for long battles.
Strategy:One of the most dangerous Omens. Bring a blocker of at least level 150 and a few shooters with you to slay it as quickly as possible. Knight should be careful of being trapped by Dark Followers. Block the boss diagonal, mages have to be careful, wave can be deadly.
Loot:Right Horn (always), Time Ring, 0-2 Small Ruby, Fire Sword (semi-rare), Fiery Bow (rare), Doomgiver (rare), Fire Axe (very rare), Phoenix Shield (very rare)
Location:Fiery Tomb

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