
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 20:38, 13 December 2020 by Crownster (talk | contribs) (Will be moving all the books to here; no need for separate articles I think. There's too many of them)

Books are the cornerstone of the mysteries in Medivia. Not only do they have information on the mysteries yet undiscovered, they were also the birthplace of many quests. Most books can be found inside libraries although some can be found random places.

This list includes only the books that are currently spawning in-game on a daily basis.

Picture Name Location
Black Book.gif The Border of Eschen I Map.png
The border of Eschen was established hundreds of years ago. We are allowed to dig as far as the Stone Temple, cross that line and we risk war. The king of Eschen has agreed to allow us to mine on their territory for a monthly payment of 1000 precious stones, it is a reasonable price and no issue for us. They respect us, and we respect them.
Black Book.gif The Border of Eschen II Map.png
The King of Eschen spoke with me about the Manuscript of Fire. He knows it has been stolen and remains in our possesion. He said that soon the White Light will find out as well. We need to find a good explanation as to why it is in our hands.
Black Book.gif The Border of Eschen III Map.png
Their ruler is just. But their faith is corrupt and full of lies. They grow in number, perhaps soon they will try to control the King himself. We have sent our spies and discovered they are doing the unspeakable, burning people as they did thousands of years ago. Hopefully, the people will rebel and destroy them once and for all. It's important for us to aid them in this, we mustn't risk losing control in the region. The so called "heretics" are hiding south of Arak. We have sent some equipment there hoping they might be the solution we are looking for.
Black Book.gif The Passage I Map.png
The passage between Mittenhoff towards the great lake of Imar is under construction. Our miners reported no problems during their work. If everything goes according to plan it will be finished in two weeks.
Black Book.gif The Passage II Map.png
Karmir broke through a wall and it sprung a leak. We did expect leakage, we are tunneling below a lake after all, but it will clearly slow our progress. We have to fortify the cave walls and get rid of any water. I don't want to inform the King just yet.
Black Book.gif The Passage VI Map.png
The King sent his soldiers, but they never returned, then he sent another unit. Karmir came to me today, he wants to see what is going on in there. But if the King hears that someone disobeyed his orders, they will be thrown into the lake of fire. I tried to stop him but he did not listen.
Black Book.gif The Passage VII Map.png
Karmir returned a week later, pale as a corpse. He was covered in dirty old spider webs and was repeating the same word over and over again - "Thornag". Before I could take him to our mage for help, he cast himself into the burning lake. I informed the King of what had happened, he said that our priority was to seal the passage and not allow any miners near it.
Dark Brown Book.gif The Strife with Arak I Map.png
Arak folk think they can get away with destroying our mountain. They're trying to open mines without our permission. We've already sent guards to scare them away, but for how long. The situation is getting more intense as of late due to Arak cutting us off from their precious vodka stocks in revenge. Our dwarves are furious and demand blood. We won't do anything for now, we have to wait.

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