Minotaur Guard

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Revision as of 12:46, 1 July 2024 by MoonMoon (talk | contribs)
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Minotaur Guard
Heart.png Hit Points: 185
Xp.png Experience: 320
Summon.png Summon: 550
Convince.png Convince: 550
Abilities:Melee (0-100).
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:100 hp per turn
Immune To:-
Sounds:"Feel the steel of my axe!"; "Victory is ours!"
Task:400 Kills (The Dwarf Faction)
Note:Minotaur Guards will kill weaker creatures to reach a player. They can also retarget. A minotaur guard will never retreat (they fight until death).

Besides the bosses, Minotaur Guards have the strongest Melee of the Minotaurs.

Old sprite: 3702.png
Very Common 0-20 Gold Coins
Common Leather Legs, Hatchet, Meat
Uncommon Fishing Rod, Brass Armor, Chain Armor
Semi-Rare Battle Shield, Chain Legs, Minotaur Hoof
Rare Double Axe
Skinnable:Minotaur Horns.png Minotaur Horn with Hunter's Knife.png
Minotaur Head.png Minotaur Head with Skin Peeler.png
Brown leather.png Brown Leather with Skinning Knife.png
Location:Folda, Cyclopolis, Hero Cave

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