
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 23:41, 23 November 2019 by Neratin (talk | contribs)

The 81 Tasks offered are a unique set of hunting tasks customised for Medivia. You can accept and turn in these tasks in Thais, upstairs the house north west of the depot, speaking with Radek, or the corresponding NPC's in Carlin or Venore. A task is there to foster the RPG gameplay in a special way. Any task will eventually benefit you with a reward. The reward may be gold, experience or a special item. Here is a list of available tasks.
There are currently three Task NPCs, in:

There is also Tylar in Abukir who gives extra tasks. For details check Tylar Tasks below.


- You can only have one task running at a time (not including faction or tasks).
- If you cancel a task your progress is lost.
- YOUR summons can kill Monsters while YOU receive the kill.
- You can only complete a task once, they are not repeatable.
- You can see which tasks a player has done by looking up that player's character page.
- In team-hunting situation the rule follows: The one who gets the last hit earns the task point.
- If you forgot about your task, then you can always ask the NPC which task you're on. Say Hi / yes / Tasks, and a window will pop up. You can also check your current quests in the "task" area.

How to start a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: tasks
Radek: Here is my list of tasks for you, do you wish to hunt some monsters listed there?
Player: yes
Radek: Which monsters would you like to hunt?
Player: (Name of Monster)
Radek: You are now on (Name of Monster) hunt, good luck up there buddy!


How to finish a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: reward
Radek: Congratulations! By completing this task you shall receive "Reward".


How to cancel a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: Cancel
Radek: Do you wish to cancel your current task? I have to warn you though, if the task is not finished you will loose your progress!
Player: yes
Radek: Your task is canceled.