Bonebeast (Novus)

From Medivia Online Wiki
Bonebeast (Novus)
Heart.png Hit Points: 515
Xp.png Experience: 1060
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-200) (inflicts poison dmg over time - 5 HP/turn), Life Drain Berserk (25-47+), Poison Hit (50-90), Poison Berserk (poisons over time for 3 HP/turn), Paralyze, Self Healing (around 50 HP)
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:300+ HP per turn
Immune To:Poison, Invisibility
Sounds:"Knooorrrrr!"; "Cccchhhhhhhhh!".
Task:400 (Novus Tasks)
Note:Bonebeasts do not run when in low health.
The Bonebeast on Novus differs from the mainland one only by its loot-table, which includes some of the rarest and strongest items obtainable on Novus.
Loot:0-90 Gold Coins, Empty Pipe (semi-rare), Green Mushroom (semi-rare), Gray Backpack (rare), Small Diamond (rare), White Tapestry (rare), Iron Hammer (very rare), Epee (very rare), Bone Shield (very rare)

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