Golden Boots

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Revision as of 21:18, 13 May 2020 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs) (added stamina 10 and resistance physical 1%)
Golden Boots
You see Golden Boots (Arm:4). 
It weighs 31.0 oz.
Stamina (+10 HP for knights, +8 for rangers, +5 for mages), Streamlined (+10 Speed), Resistance (Physical 1%), Resistance [Elements (Fire, Poison, Energy, Ice), 2%], ???
Weight:31.0 oz
Dropped by:None.
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:Players only.
Note:They are the best boots, part of the Golden Set and the Dream Set. Can only be obtained by having Grazlin smith them for you complete The Dwarf Faction.

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