Osaris Raids

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 23:09, 14 September 2020 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Demon_Skeleton" to "Revenant")

Wasps in Osaris:


  1. (unannounced raid)
Picture Name
Wasp.png Wasp

Undead Raid West of Osaris:

Ever since their defeat and banishment, the Brotherhood of Bones and their Undead armies in Drefia have constantly sought vengeance upon their enemies. Even though the humans are not their primary target, they will take every opportunity to attack and kill them.

Raid type 1:


  1. Necromancers have been spotted south of Osaris.
  2. Necromancers made their way into the city and are casting their summoning spells. Protect the city!
  3. They are summoning more and more creatures, stop them before it is too late!

Picture Name
Necromancer Necromancer

Raid type 2:


  1. Sightings of undead, west of Osaris! Imminent invasion is suspected!
  2. The undead are attacking Osaris!
Picture Name
skeleton.gif Skeleton
ghoul.gif Ghoul
stalker.gif Eye of Shadow
mummy.gif Mummy
beholder.gif Watcher
cryptshambler.gif Crypt Shambler
demonskeleton.gif Revenant
vampire.gif Vampire
bonebeast.gif Bonebeast
necromancer.gif Necromancer
Lich.png Lich
Banshee.png Banshee
necromancer.gif Goshnir

Undead Raid Osaris (With Portal):


  1. The sky over Darama darkened. The sun hid behind black clouds. The smell of rot is in the air.
  2. Sightings of undead, west of Osaris! Imminent invasion is suspected!
  3. Rotten carcass left thier tumuli. Death awaits all!
  4. The undead are attacking Osaris!
  5. Minions of Zathroth stormed into the City! Beware!'
  6. Urgith finished building Portal. Stop the undead horde!
  7. Destroy the portal to stop Zathroth before it is too late!

When the 6th message appears the portal will spawn in the center of Osaris Shops.
Thanks to Friiko for providing the picture! (old picture)

Darashia Raid Portal.jpg

Picture Name
ghoul.gif Ghoul
beholder.gif Watcher
ghost.gif Ghost
stalker.gif Eye of Shadow
demonskeleton.gif Revenant
vampire.gif Vampire
Elder beholder.png Elder Watcher
Lich.png Lich
Banshee.png Banshee
Wight.gif Wight
Note that these can spawn on Carpet and Boat.

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