Ice Phoenix

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Revision as of 12:58, 6 July 2024 by MoonMoon (talk | contribs)
Ice Phoenix
Heart.png Hit Points: 25200*
Xp.png Experience: 18000
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:?+ hp per turn
Immune To:?
Note:A single spawn creature. Very powerful. Has 3 stages, in the first it's just called "Ice Phoenix" and does a moderate amount of damage, in the second stage (once the first is killed) it turns into a harmless egg which can be damaged (it lasts around 10 seconds and the damage you deal is halved as if hitting a player) and that damage will be taken off the third stage health. In the third stage it turns into an Enraged Ice Phoenix which deals much more damage. Each stage has 12,600 health, for a total of 25,200 (*). There is no need to attack the egg since it will turn into the Enraged stage anyway after 10 seconds. Avoiding the egg will save you a few runes.
Strategy:A level 250+? blocker is recommended to hunt this creature, higher level archers and mages could solo it by stair-hopping or running.
Loot:Permafrost Crystal, Healing Crystal, Permafrost Longsword, Permafrost Morningstar, Crystallized Shield (semi-rare), Crystallized Bow (rare), Crystallized Crossbow (rare), Icebound Helmet (rare), Blue Frozen Starlight (Very Rare), Hailstorm (extremely rare), Frozen Phoenix Tear (extremely rare)
Location:Blue Wyvern Lair, Thoris

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