
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 15:54, 17 September 2020 by Reinhard van Astrea (talk | contribs)
Increases the attack modifier of a weapon.
Ancient Crossbow.png (3), Ancinet Sword.png (1-2)
Resistance: Fire
Provides resistance against fire damage.
Albino Scale Helmet (3%), Bow of the Primordial Fire (3%), Demon Armor (3%), Demon Helmet (3%), Demon Legs (4%), Demon Shield (3%), Dragon Scale Mail (2%), Dragon Shield (1%), Fiery Armor (2-3%), Fiery Helmet (1%), Hellforged Armor (5%), Hellforged Helmet (2%), Hellforged Legs (3%), Horned Helmet (3%), Isingoma Boots (1%), Isingoma Robe (2%), Isingoma Skirt (2%), Red Scale Armor (3%), Sulphira's Scale Mail (3%), Sunfire Robe (3%), Sword of the Primordial Fire (3%)
Resistance: Poison
Provides resistance against poison damage.
Beholder Helmet (2%), Demonbone Boots (1%), Demonbone Legs (2%), Hydra Scale Legs (2%), Nether Shield (2%), Scorpid Hood (2%), Spider Chain Helmet (3%), Spider Chain Legs (3%), Spider Chain Mail (4%), Worm Maw Amulet (4%)
Resistance: Energy
Provides resistance against energy damage.
Demon Helmet (3%), Golden Armor (2%), Isingoma Boots (1%), Isingoma Robe (2%), Isingoma Skirt (2%), Pharaoh Armor (2%), Pharaoh Boots (1%), Pharaoh Helmet (1%), Tempest Shield (4%)