
From Medivia Online Wiki
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The 81 Tasks Radek offers are a unique set of hunting tasks customized for Medivia. You can accept and turn in these tasks in Thais, upstairs the house north west of the depot, speaking with Radek. A task is there to foster the rpg play in a special way. Any task will eventually benefit you with a reward. The reward may be gold, experience or a special item. Here is a list of tasks that already have been done. There are also tasks left, that haven't been completed yet!
There are currently three Task NPCs: RadekMapper?y=765&x=525&z=6&zoom=4[[Image:Map_(Colour).gif|Map_(Colour).gifMapper?y=314&x=544&z=7&zoom=4[[Image:Map_(Colour).gif|Map_(Colour).gifMapper?y=636&x=1110&z=4&zoom=4[[Image:Map_(Colour).gif|Map_(Colour).gif


Experience Tasks
Money Tasks
Item Tasks
Unsolved Tasks

Novus Tasks

Tylar Tasks

Faction%27s Tasks

- You can only have one task running.
- If you cancel a task your progress is lost.
- Summons of Monsters will not be counted as valid kills.
- However, YOUR summons can kill Monsters while YOU receive the kill.
- You can only complete a task once, they are not repeatable.
- You can see which tasks a player has done by looking up that player's character page.
- In party the rule follows: Those who last hit earn the point.
- If you forgot about your task, then you can always ask the npc which task you're on. Say Hi / yes / Tasks, and this window will pop up.

How to start a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: tasks
Radek: Here is my list of tasks for you, do you wish to hunt some monsters listed there?
Player: yes
Radek: Which monsters would you like to hunt?
Player: (Name of Monster)
Radek: You are now on (Name of Monster) hunt, good luck up there buddy!

How to finish a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: reward
Radek: Congratulations! By completing this task you shall receive "Reward".

How to cancel a task?

Player: Hi
Radek: Welcome "Name", do you wish to hunt some monsters?
Player: yes
Radek: Great! I have several tasks for you, for each of them there are rewards.
Player: Cancel
Radek: Do you wish to cancel your current task? I have to warn you though, if the task is not finished you will loose your progress!
Player: yes
Radek: Your task is canceled.