Experience Tasks

From Medivia Online Wiki

Creature: Name: Kills: Reward (Experience): Locations:
Mugger.gif Mugger 50 2,000

Big spawn south Map.png of Arak, small spawn north Map.png of Arak

Black Sheep.png Black Sheep 100 2,000

City of the Dead Map.png

Troll.gif Troll 100 2,000

South of Eschen Map.png

Bee.png Bee 200 4,000 Eschen Beehive Map.png, Arak Beehive Map.png
Goblin.png Goblin 150 4,000

Snowy Hills Map.png, Garrogat Map.png

Deer.png Deer 100 4,000
Swamp Troll.gif Swamp Troll 100 4,000 Eschen Swamp Map.png
Bug.png Bug 100 4,000 Lucindel Bug Cave (21x) Map.png, Arak Sewers Map.png
Lunar Troll.png Lunar Troll 100 4,000 Lunar Trolls Cave Map.png
Bear.png Bear 100 4,500

South of Thoris (17x)Map.png

Hyeana.png Hyaena 150 6,000

Mountains north of Yehsha

Dog.gif Dog 200 8,000 Garrogat Central Circle, Minoras
Frost Troll.png Frost Troll 250 10,000 Thoris Frost Troll Cave Map.png, Thoris Frost Troll Camp Map.png,

Ice Islands (Mejborn), Forgula

Wolf.png Wolf 260 12,000 Lucindel Wolf Cave (50x) Map.png, War Wolf Cave Map.png, Snowy Hills Map.png
Wasp.png Wasp 240 15,000 Lucindel Wasp Hive Map.png, Osaris Wasp Tower
Winter Wolf.png Winter Wolf 260 16,000

Neve, Mejborn, Forgula, Around Thoris

Stone Golem.png Stone Golem 200 16,000

All over Abukir Mountains, Yehsha Mountains

Bee Drone.png Bee Drone 250 20,000 Eschen Beehive Map.png
Tortoise.png Tortoise 350 20,000

North of Yehsha, near the river

Orc.gif Orc 400 20,000

Orc Fortress Map.png, Garrogat Orc Cave Map.png

Poison Spider.png Poison Spider 400 20,000 Lucindel Spider Cave (60x) Map.png, Thoris Catacombs Map.png
Ant.png Ant 200 22,000 Luana
Rotworm.png Rotworm 300 24,000

Osaris RotwormCaves, Eschen Sewers Map.png, Arak Rotworm Cave Map.png, Thoris Catacombs Map.png, Lucindel Rotworm Cave Map.png

Caiman.png Caiman 350 24,500

Around Osaris; around Arak swamps and south of the city, as well as the Caiman Cave

Witch.gif Witch 50 25,000 Lucindel Rogue Camp (~10) Map.png
Skeleton.gif Skeleton 400 28,000

Ghostland Thoris Map.png, Tombs of Yehsha, Menel's Tomb Map.png, Thoris Catacombs Map.png

Crystal bug.png Crystal Worker 400 28,000 Crystal Caves Thoris
Cobra.png Cobra 350 30,000 Tombs of Yehsha
Polar Bear.png Polar Bear 200 30,000

Thoris (6x) Map.png, Neve, Mejborn

Mud Wasp.png Mud Wasp 300 30,000 Lucindel Wasp Hive Map.png
Crocodile Hatchling.png Crocodile Hatchling 200 32,000 Luana
Fire Elemental.gif Fire Elemental 70 35,000 Forgula, Foreign Lands
Wild Warrior.png Wild Warrior 280 40,000

Outlaw Camp Map.png, Vigilantes' Hideout

Orcrider.gif Orc Rider 200 45,000 Orc Fortress Map.png
Fire Ant.png Fire Ant 200 45,000 Luana
Ant Worker.png Ant Worker 150 46,000 Luana
Killer Wasp.png Killer Wasp 200 50,000 Lucindel Wasp Hive Map.png
Elf Scout.png Elf Scout 400 60,000

Mylvalone (20+)Map.png, Lucindel Elf Spawn Map.png

Enraged wasp.png Enraged Wasp 150 70,000 Lucindel Wasp HiveMap.png
Ghost.png Ghost 300 70,000

Tombs of Yehsha

Eye of Shadow.gif Eye Of Shadow 400 72,000 Tombs of Yehsha(Blood Tomb -3 is best)
Dwarf.png Dwarf 800 72,000 Mittenhoff mines, Cirone Mines in south (best place for premium players)
Gargoyle.png Gargoyle 250 75,000 Tombs of Yehsha
Alligator.png Alligator 250 84,000 Luana
Fire Ant Worker.png Fire Ant Worker 150 86,000 Luana
Slime.gif Slime 300 90,000

Plains of Havoc (10+)Map.png,Dream Tomb(10+), Mittenhoff Mines (10x) (floors: -6 and -7, just above the Zathroth Spawn cave),

Ghoul.png Ghoul 600 100,000

East of Cyclopolis Map.png, GhostlandMap.png

Watcher.gif Watcher 450 100,000 Black Knight VillaMap.png, Vilias Map.png, Forgotten Library Tomb
Dwarf Soldier.gif Dwarf Soldier 800 112,000 Mittenhoff mines
Panther.png Panther 15 115,000 Luana
Hunterek.png Hunter 400 120,000

Outlaw Camp Map.png, Garrogat Map.png, Vigilantes' Hideout

Minotaur Mage.png Minotaur Mage 400 120,000

MintwallinMap.png, Horned Citadel Map.png, cave near Mittenhoff

Mines Map.png
Nightcrawler.png Nightcrawler 500 130,000 Lucindel Spider Cave Map.png
Jaguar.png Jaguar 150 130,000 Luana
Sabertooth.png Sabertooth 400 142,000

Sabertooth Ice Cave (Thoris)

Cyclops.png Cyclops 500 150,000

Cyclops Mountain, Arak Cyclops, Arak Cyclops Hill, Cyclops Camp Thoris, Garrogat Cyclopolis, Forgula, Snowy Hills

Cryptshambler.gif Crypt Shambler 400 150,000 Tombs of Yehsha(Dream Tomb -3 is best)
Monk.png Monk 450 180,000 Garrogat Hero CaveMap.png
Demon skeleton.png Revenant 400 200,000

Under the Plains of Havoc Map.png

Lich.png Lich 125 200,000 Forgula Lich Hell Map.png
Ant Soldier.png Ant Soldier 150 210,000 Luana
Fetish Warrior.png Fetish Warrior 400 232,000 Luana
Dragon Fledgling.png Fledgling Dragon 400 235,000

North of Arak Map.png

Bonebeast.gif Bonebeast 400 250,000

Forgula Lich Hell Map.png, Blood Tomb -5 Map.png

Minotaur.png Minotaur 5000 250,000

Mintwallin Map.png, Horned Citadel Map.png, cave near Mittenhoff

Hero.png Hero 200 250,000 Garrogat Hero Cave Map.png, Forgula Hero Cave, Vigilantes' Hideout
Vampire.png Vampire 450 250,000

Forgula Vampire Cave Map.png, Tombs of Yehsha, Vampire Hell (City of the Dead)

Cultist Brute.png Cultist Brute 220 253,000 Luana
Fire Ant Soldier.png Fire Ant Soldier 150 280,000 Luana
Giant Skeleton.png Giant Skeleton 200 280,000 Luana
Crocodile.png Crocodile 250 280,000 Luana
Fetish Bloodweaver.png Fetish Bloodweaver 400 280,000 Luana
Warlock (Old).gif Warlock 100 300,000 Arcanum
Giant Revenant.png Giant Revenant 150 340,000 Luana
Fetish Shaman.png Fetish Shaman 400 360,000 Luana
Emperor scorpion.png Emperor Scorpion 500 400,000 Arak Emperor Scorpions, Emperor Scorpion Caves
Dragon lord.png Dragon Lord 500 400,000 Pits of Inferno Dragon Lair Map.png, Abukir Dragon Lair Map.png
Elephant.png Elephant 500 450,000 Luana
Entling.png Entling 300 468,000 Luana
Chimpanzee.png Chimpanzee 300 480,000 Luana
Cultist Hexer.png Cultist Hexer 400 495,000 Luana
Wild Gryphon.png Wild Gryphon 400 530,000

Wild Gryphon Spawn in the mountains far south of Mittenhoff (here Map.png)

Cultist Blooddrinker.png Cultist Blooddrinker 300 730,000 Luana
Winged Vermin.png Winged Vermin 700 875,000 Winged Vermin Cave
Giant spider.png Giant Spider 500 900,000

Coldridge Giant Spider Cave, Plains of Havoc Map.png

Ent.png Ent 400 1,040,000 Luana
Red Wyvern.png Red Wyvern 400 1,080,000 Mittenhoff
Plague Carrier.png Plague Carrier 200 1,146,000 Volifell Village
Undead Reaper.png Undead Reaper 350 1,168,125 Luana
Blue Wyvern.png Blue Wyvern 600 1,206,000 Blue Wyvern Lair
Wormqueen.png Wormqueen 200 1,220,000 Volifell Village
Huntsman Spider.png Huntsman Spider 600 1,350,000 Huntsman Spider CaveMap.png
Ogre Warrior.png Ogres 800 1,350,000 Foreign Lands
Festering Corpse.png Festering Corpse 200 1,388,400 Volifell Village
Ancient scarab.png Ancient Scarab 4000 1,500,000 Yehsha Larva Caves
Giant Energy Elemental own page.png Giant Energy Elemental 300 1,512,000 Giant Energy Elemental Caves
Dragon.png Dragon 2500 2,000,000 Garrogat Dragon Lair, Yehsha Dragon Lairs, Arak Dragon Mountain, Arak South Dragon Lair, Arak North Dragon Lair

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