
From Medivia Online Wiki
Incurso.png Berserk
Incantation: Incurso
Cost: 2500 gp
Magic Level: 5
Mana Mana points equal to your level multiplied by 2, the minimum being 100 and the max 600.
It can be cast without mana for 100 Fury while using Bloodlust Stance.
Premium: ✔️
Effect: Attacks all players and/or creatures standing on any of the eight squares surrounding the knight who casts it, as well as the tile under the caster.
Note: One of only 2 offensive spells available to knights, along with the single-target Decimate spell.
The following formulas are used to calculate your damage range with the Berserk spell:
baseDamage = (level * meleeSkill^2) / 10^5
min = (6 * baseDamage + 1.6 * level) + (strength * 0.5)
max = (10 * baseDamage + 2.4 * level) + (strength * 1.0)
Learn spell from:
City Druids Mages Archers Knights
Abukir --- --- --- ---
Arak --- --- --- ---
Cirone --- --- --- ---
Eschen --- --- --- ---
Garrogat --- --- --- Tvindorath
Lucindel --- --- --- ---
Mittenhoff --- --- --- ---
Osaris --- --- --- ---
Thoris --- --- --- ---
Yehsha --- --- --- ---
Luana --- --- --- ---
Falcon --- --- --- ---

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