Bow of the Primordial Fire

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 12:22, 21 August 2020 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs) (has a hidden property that gives +1 dist)
Bow of the Primordial Fire.png
You see a Bow of the Primordial Fire
It weighs 47.0 oz.
This bow is enchanted with an ancient flame.
Properties:Hit% +3, +1 Distance Fighting
Precise (+2 Distance Fighting), Flawless (+2 Atk), Fast Hand (5% chance to hit twice in one turn), Sharpshooter (5% chance to gain 10% of your distance skill for 6 seconds),
Slowing Shot (5% chance to slow down a monster on hit for a period of time), Resistance (Fire, 3%)
Description:This bow is enchanted with an ancient flame.
Weight:47.0 oz
Dropped by:None.
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:Players only.
Note:This bow has a hidden property which gives the wearer +1 Distance Fighting.
One of the Archini Faction rewards.
One of the best known Bows in-game, along with the Triangle Star Bow and Fiery Bow.

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