Gorgon Cave

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Revision as of 21:32, 20 March 2021 by Rakshy (talk | contribs)
Gorgon Cave
The only places where you can find Gorgons.
Recommended Level:250+
Loot:Very Good
Be prepared
to face:
Gorgon, Emperor Scorpion, Slime, Scorpion, Snake
Strategy:Due to Gorgons immunities it is best to lure up to 3 and kill them with Great Fireballs or Energy Wave/Energy Beam. Avoid grouping more than 3 because in larger groups Gorgons are gaining even more resistances and strong healing abilities.
Always turn away from them to avoid their petrification ability. Barbel Feast is usefull for knights since you can use it while being turned into stone. The same goes for Energy Ring for Mages and Rangers.
Notes:Medusa, the Gorgons boss, rarely spawns in the cave.