Falcon Armor

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Revision as of 02:58, 11 February 2024 by Itszarth (talk | contribs)
Falcon Armor.png
You see an Falcon Armor (Arm:16). 
It weighs 58.0 oz.
Item Rank:400
Properties:+5 speed, 2% energy resistance, Dexterity (17), Strength (17), Intelligence (17)
 Superior (1), Streamlined (3), Resistance (Physical, 1%),Resistance (Energy, 3%), LINKED:{Vast Grip (21) + Precise (21) + Intelligence (21)}
Weight:58.0 oz
Dropped by:Extremely rare reward from The Magma Lair dungeon
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
FalconTristan (550,000 gp)
Note:Falcon set pieces offer a special property increasing the chance of spawn for Floating Islands elite creatures and damage dealt to them while worn.

Set Bonus: Increases Floating Islands elite monster spawn rate. Elite monsters spawned by you will take more damage from all sources. - Bonus spawn rate: 100%; Bonus damage: 1%

Falcon set:

- Falcon Helmet - Falcon Armor - Falcon Legs - Falcon Boots

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