Icon of Light

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Revision as of 22:45, 13 November 2020 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs)
Icon of Light
Icon of Light.png
Heart.png Hit Points: ?
Xp.png Experience: 41000
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-1000+???), Large Holy Explosion (?-3500+?), ???
Push Objects:
Est. Max Damage:5430+ hp per turn
Immune To:
Note:An extremely dangerous holy dragon, resembles an illuminated or golden Undead Dragon.
Loot:0-300 Gold Coin, Noble Armor, Guardian Halberd, Steel Boots, Angelic Plate Armor (extremely rare), Sacred Arbalest (extremely rare), ???
Location:White Light Chapel

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