Elf Arcanist

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Elf Arcanistelfarcanist.gif

220 Hit Points
350 Experience Points per kill

Summon/Convince: --/--
Abilities: Melee (0-35), Arrow (0-70+), Heavy Magic Missile (30-50), Sudden Death Rune (70-85), Self Healing (40-60).
Pushable:[[Image:d.jpg|d.jpgInvisibilityFire, Energy, Poison
Sounds: "I'll bring balance upon you!"; "Vihil Ealuel"; "For the Daughter of the Stars!"; "Tha'shi Cenath"; "Feel my wrath!".
Task: Item Tasks
Skin: 9.2% Tear of Nature (Hunter%27s Knife)

Behavior: Elf Arcanist run from the opponent while attacking. They heal very quickly during a battle.

Field Notes: These elves use strong magical attacks. The Elf Arcanist Boss is Dharalion.

Location: Demona, Shadowthorn, northwest of Ab'Dendriel, Maze of Lost Souls, Cyclopolis, Elvenbane, near Mount Sternum, Rookgaard Elf Cave,

Mages: Summoning a monk to help you with the other elves is a good idea.

Knights: with a decent level (around 20) and decent skills (50/50+) should have no problem killing an arcanist, even with a one-handed weapon. You could use a two handed weapon to speed up the kill, but beware of their arrows!

Paladins: around level 20 and good skills 50/50 or more to kill them faster than they can heal.

Rookgaard: It requires a team of atleast 5 Rookers with high distance fighting skills. Have 2 blockers, each with a backpack ofLife Fluid and plenty of Spear. Then atleast 3 shooters, all with spears with Arrow since the Elf Arcanist is immune to poison. As the spears pile up around the Arcanist, the blockers drag them back into the centre of the group where they can pick them up using the shift+left drag function. Then you set a campfire and pray to Nornur that the Elf Arcanist does not heal. It is strongly believed that, for as long as the Elf Arcanist is healing itself, it will not die.

Loot: Sandals, Melon, Bread, Green Tunic, Grave Flower, Bowl, Inkwell, Sling Herb, Candlestick, 0-? Arrow, Elven Amulet (rare), Life Crystal (very rare), Yellow Gem (very rare), Elven Bow (very rare), Elven Tome (very rare),
