Dwarfs' Equipment

From Medivia Online Wiki
Dwarven Shield.png Dwarfs' Equipment
Location: Map.png Mittenhoff
Level recommended: 20
Be prepared to face: 1 Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Soldier, Dwarf
Legend: The basic equipment of a dwarf can be found in a chest hidden in one of their mines.
32px-Important Icon.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!
  • Travel to the dwarf mines and enter this mine here.
  • Go to -2 and move here.
  • Go downstairs and you'll find yourself in a large room with dwarves, dwarf soldiers and a single dwarf guard. There is a fair bit of space so it's possible to run to the quest chest, though this is deadly on lower levels. The quest chest can be found here (right below the red X):

Dwarf shield quest.png

Go back to Regular Quests.