Warlock Groma

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 01:24, 27 October 2023 by Vizrin (talk | contribs)
Heart.png Hit Points: ~6000
Xp.png Experience: 10000
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-??), Burst Arrow (0-272?), Energy Missile (0-146; physical damage), Energy Beam (0-??), Fire Bomb, Light Healing (50-100?), Summons 0-4 Stone Golem, Invisibility.
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:600+ hp per turn
Immune To:Energy, Fire, Poison
Task:Needed for the 4th mission of the Assassin Outfit Quest.
Note:It's the Warlock boss. When he is respawned, Drakus will say:

"Someone told me that he revealed himself not too long ago. I receive such reports quite often, approximately every two days".

Respawns again after two days.
Strategy:Knights: Explosion runes are a must, otherwise he will hardly reveal himself for you to hit him with a melee weapon. A good tactic is to shoot the Explosion rune and immediately attack him once he is revealed. Back him into a corner but be sure to stand diagonal so as to avoid the Energy Beam.
Archers & Mages: Don't get surrounded by the Stone Golems and shoot Sudden Death Rune's. Best to back him into a corner where it can't move.
Loot:Inkwell, Poison Dagger , Skull Staff, Ring of the Sky, (rest unknown)
Location:Abukir mountain

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