Bed Sheets

From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 18:01, 11 November 2022 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs)

List of bed sheets found in Medivia.

Image: Name: Weight: Obtainable from:
Blood Bed Sheet.png Blood Bed Sheet - Medivia Store; Currently unobtainable, possibly only during the Halloween Event.
Bone Bed Sheets.png Bone Bed Sheet - Purchasable for Halloween Coins during the Halloween Event.
Blue Bed Sheet.png Blue Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Black Ankh Bed Sheet.png Black Ankh Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Christmas Bed Sheet.png Christmas Bed Sheet - Medivia Store; Currently unobtainable, possibly only during the Christmas Event.
Dark Purple Sheet.png Dark Purple Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Green Bed Sheet.png Green Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Purple Bed Sheet.png Purple Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Rainbow Bed Sheet.png Rainbow Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Red Ankh Bed Sheet.png Red Ankh Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Royal Bed Sheet.png Royal Bed Sheet - Purchasable for Anniversary Tokens during the Anniversary Event.
Red Bed Sheet.png Red Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Spooky Bed Sheet.png Spooky Bed Sheet - Medivia Store; Currently unobtainable, possibly only during the Halloween Event.
Vampire Coffin.png Vampire Coffin - Purchasable for Halloween Coins during the Halloween Event.
Violet Bed Sheet.png Violet Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.
Yellow Bed Sheet.png Yellow Bed Sheet - Furniture stores.

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