Hellforged Legs

From Medivia Online Wiki
Hellforged Legs.png
You see Hellforged Legs (Arm:10). 
It weighs 180.0 oz.
Item Rank:290
Properties:Strength (13), 1% physical resistance, 1% death resistance
 Superior (1), Resistance (Death, 2%), Vitality (75/57/38), Strength (15), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Fortitude (19)
Weight:180.0 oz
Dropped by:Lightbringer Hero, Azure Mercenary, Balremaach, Baalerun
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
SheolDrolgruth (300,000 gp)
Note:A somewhat rare pair of legs, with 10 armor and 1% physical resistance as a property they are a very good option for blockers especially.
1 of these is needed to complete the Duke Outfit Quest.
Old sprite: Hellforgedlegs.png

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