
From Medivia Online Wiki

Helmets are an essential part of any player's equipment, much like Armors, Legs and Boots they usually provide Armor, Properties and can often be enchanted with Attributes.
This page will split helmets into different lists depending on which vocation they're intended for, based on whether they give Intelligence, Dexterity or Strength. However, any vocation can technically use any equipment item, they will just not benefit from the vocation-specific properties and attributes. Some items also provide vocation-specific stats for more than one vocation (e.g. Plague Mask).
Most items also have an Item Rank which defines the 'power level' of an equipment item or weapon relative to other equipment or weapons. The item rank determines what player level is required to gain the full stat bonuses (Int/Dex/Str) of an item (usually roughly 80% of item rank) unless the item has a quest or faction requirement.

Non-specific Helmets

Image: Name: Arm: Weight: Properties: Att % Attributes:
Deep green christmas hat.png Dark Green Christmas Hat 1 3.0 oz - - -
Green christmas hat.png Green Christmas Hat 1 3.0 oz - - -
Leather helmet.png Leather Helmet 1 22.0 oz - - -
Pirate bandana.png Pirate Bandana 1 5.8 oz - - -
Postman hay.png Post Officer's Hat 1 7.0 oz - - -
Red christmas hat.png Red Christmas Hat 1 3.0 oz. - - -
Panda Hairband.png Panda Hairband 1 4.6 oz ? ? ?
Chain helmet.png Chain Helmet 2 42.0 oz - - -
Studded helmet.png Studded Helmet 2 24.5 oz - - -
Pirate Captain's Hat.png Pirate Captain's Hat 2 12.8 oz - - -
Pirate hat.png Pirate Hat 2 9.8 oz - - -
Santa's Hat.png Santa's Hat 2 9.8 oz - - -
Brass helmet.png Brass Helmet 3 27.0 oz - - -
Deer Hide Helmet.png Deer Hide Helmet 3 18.0 oz - - -
Legion helmet.png Legion Helmet 4 31.0 oz - - -
Viking helmet.png Viking Helmet 4 39.0 oz - - -
Damaged Helmet.gif Damaged Helmet 5 18.0 oz - - -
Soldier helmet.png Soldier Helmet 5 32.0 oz - - -
Iron helmet.png Iron Helmet 5 30.0 oz -

Superior (1),
Vitality (10/8/5),
Fortitude (+1 HP per 5 ticks),
Streamlined (3),
Lean (-10.5)
Dark helmet.png Dark Helmet 6 46.0 oz - - -
Drake scale helmet.png Drake Scale Helmet 6 31.0 oz - - -
Steel helmet.png Steel Helmet 6 46.0 oz - - -
Strange helmet.png Strange Helmet 6 46.0 oz - - -
Crown Helmet Crown Helmet 7 29.5 oz -

Superior (1),
Fortitude (+1 HP per 4 ticks),
Lean (-10)
Devil Helmet Devil Helmet 7 50.0 oz - - -
Knight helmet.png Knight Helmet 7 36.0 oz -

Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Fortitude (+? HP per ? ticks),
Vitality (10/8/5)

Mage & Druid Helmets

Image: Name: Item
Arm: Weight: Properties: Att % Attributes:
Mystic turban.png Mystic Turban 40

1 8.5 oz Intelligence (1)

Intellect (15),
Intelligence (2),
Amplify Magic Shield (1%)
Hat of the mad.png Hat of the Mad 50

3 7.5 oz Intelligence (1)

{Presence of Mind (1) +
Intellect (15)},
Intelligence (2),
Resistance [Elements, 1%]

Magician Hood.png Magician Hood 60

7 14.0 oz Intelligence (2),
+5 Health

Intelligence (3),
Amplify Magic Shield (2%)
Electric Helmet.gif Electric Helmet 70

6 15.0 oz Intelligence (2)

Intelligence (3)
Demonbone helmet.png Demonbone Helmet 80

8 25.0 oz Intelligence (3),
Dexterity (3),
2% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
{Dexterity (3) +
Intelligence (3) +
Intellect (15)}
Watcher Helmet.png Watcher Helmet 90

8 60.0 oz Intelligence (3)

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
Intellect (15),
Intelligence (4)
Magician Hat.png Magician Hat 120

1 7.5 oz Intelligence (4)

{Presence of Mind (1) +
Intellect (30)},
Intelligence (5),
Resistance [Elements, 2%]

Mask of Dodruk Mask of Dodruk 140

8 18.6 oz Intelligence (5)

Intelligence (6),
{Presence of Mind (1) +
Intellect (30)},
Resistance (Ice, 3%)
Demon helmet.png Demon Helmet 150

10 29.5 oz Intelligence (5),
Dexterity (5),
Strength (5)

Superior (1),
Resistance (Fire, 3%),
{Resistance (Energy, 3%) +
Intellect (25),
{Intelligence (7) +
Dexterity (7) +
Strength (7)}},
Fortitude (8)
Plague Mask.png Plague Mask 220

4 8.9 oz Intelligence (7),
Dexterity (7),
Strength (7),
3% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
{Intelligence (9) +
Dexterity (9) +
Strength (9)},
Fortitude (12)
Templar helmet.png Templar Helmet 220

8 30.0 oz Intelligence (8)

Presence of Mind (1),
Intelligence (9),
Amplify Magic Shield (8%)
Arcane Cowl.png Arcane Cowl 240

8 9.0 oz Intelligence (8),
3% manadrain resistance

Presence of Mind (1),
Intelligence (10),
Amplify Magic Shield (5%)
Observer Helmet.png Observer Helmet 260

8 32.0 oz Intelligence (9),
2% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
Intelligence (10),
Presence of Mind (1)
Pharaoh helmet.png Pharaoh Helmet 280

9 29.0 oz Intelligence (10),
3% lifedrain resistance

Streamlined (5),
{Intelligence (12) +
Intellect (15)},
Presence of Mind (1),
Resistance (Death, 1%),
Resistance (Energy, 1%)
Emerald Mask.png Emerald Mask 300

7 13.0 oz Intelligence (10),
5% lifedrain resistance

Presence of Mind (2),
Intelligence (13),
Resistance (Poison, 4%)
Ancient Tiara.png Ancient Tiara 320

0 8.2 oz Intelligence (11)

Intelligence (13),
{Presence of Mind (1) +
Intellect (30)},
Resistance [Elements, 2%]

Deepshadow Mask.png Deepshadow Mask 330

7 13.5 oz Intelligence (11),
3% death resistance

Resistance (Death, 2%),
Intelligence (14),
Presence of Mind (2)
Pyroweave Mask.png Pyroweave Mask 330

7 18.0 oz Intelligence (11), 1% fire resistance

Presence of Mind (2), Intelligence (14), Amplify Magic Shield (2%), Resistance [Fire, 1%]
Fluxweave Mask.png Fluxweave Mask 330

7 18.0 oz Intelligence (11), 1% energy resistance

Intelligence (14), Presence of Mind (2), Amplify Magic Shield (2). Resistance (Energy, 1%)
Hydroweave Mask.png Hydroweave Mask 330

7 18.0 oz ? ?
Ceremonial Mask Ceremonial Mask 340

9 12.0 oz Intelligence (12)

Presence of Mind (2),
Intelligence (14),
Resistance [Elements, 2%]

Wizard hat.png Wizard Hat 350

5 7.2 oz Intelligence (12)

{Presence of Mind (2) +
Intellect (30)},
Intelligence (15),
Resistance [Elements, 3%]

Trinity Mask.png Trinity Mask 370

8 20.0 oz Intelligence (14), 2% energy resistance, 2% fire resistance, 2% ice resistance Presence of Mind (2), Intelligence (17), Amplify Magic Shield (3%), Resistance (Ice, 2%), Resistance (Fire, 2%), Resistance (Energy, 2%)
Falcon Helmet.png Falcon Helmet 400

11 44.0 oz Dexterity (14), Intelligence (14), Strength (14), Speed (+3), Resistance (Energy 1%)

Resistance (Energy, 2%), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Superior (1), Streamlined (3), LINKED:{Intelligence (16) + Dexterity (16) + Strength (16)}, Fortitude (21)
Umbral Mask.png Umbral Mask 450

9 32.0 oz Intelligence (16),
1% curse resistance,
1% death resistance

Intelligence (19), Presence of Mind (2), Resistance (Curse, 1%), Amplify Magic Shield (3%)
Helmet of Agony.png Helmet of Agony 500

11 23.5 oz Intelligence (19),
+75 mana

Presence of Mind (2),
Intelligence (23),
Amplify Magic Shield (5%),
Resistance [Elements, 2%]

Knight Helmets

Image: Name: Item
Arm: Weight: Properties: Att % Attributes:
Warrior Helmet Warrior Helmet 50

8 68.0 oz Strength (1)

Superior (1),,
Fortitude (3),
Vitality (20/15/10),
Strength (2)
Royal Helmet Royal Helmet 100

9 48.0 oz Strength (3)

Superior (2),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Vitality (35/27/18),
Strength (4),
Fortitude (5)
Ancient Helmet.png Ancient Helmet 110

10 79.0 oz Strength (4)

Superior (2),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Vitality (40/30/20),
Strength (4),
Fortitude (6)
Helmet of the Fallen King Helmet of the Fallen King 120

9 27.6 oz Strength (4)

Streamlined (10),
Vitality (50/38/25),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Strength (5),
Fortitude (7)
Red Helmet of the Fallen King.gif Helmet of the Fallen King 120

12 27.6 oz Strength (5) - Will have mostly the same attributes as the clean helmet you enchant with a ruby.
Strength attribute value increases from 5 to 6.
Vanadinite Helmet.gif Vanadinite Helmet 130

9 73.0 oz Strength (4),
2% fire resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Fire, 1%),
Vitality (35/27/18),
Strength (5),
Fortitude (7)
Demon helmet.png Demon Helmet 150

10 29.5 oz Intelligence (5),
Dexterity (5),
Strength (5)

Superior (1),
Resistance (Fire, 3%),
{Resistance (Energy, 3%) +
Intellect (25),
{Intelligence (7) +
Dexterity (7) +
Strength (7)}}
Skeleton Mask.png Skeleton Mask 150

9 75.0 oz Strength (5),
2% lifedrain resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Lifedrain, 1%),
Vitality (30/23/15),
Strength (6),
Fortitude (8)
Icebound Helmet.png Icebound Helmet 160

10 81.0 oz Strength (5),
1% ice resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Ice, 1%),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Vitality (35/27/18),
Strength (7),
Fortitude (9)
Elite Knight Helmet.png Elite Knight Helmet 180

10 47.0 oz Strength (6)

Superior (2),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Vitality (40/30/20),
Strength (8),
Resistance (Holy, 1%),
Fortitude (10)
Revenant Mask.png Revenant Mask 200

9 85.0 oz Strength (7),
2% lifedrain resistance,
+10 health

Superior (1),
Resistance (Lifedrain, 1%),
Vitality (30/23/15),
Strength (8),
Fortitude (11)
Plague Mask.png Plague Mask 220

4 8.9 oz Intelligence (7),
Dexterity (7),
Strength (7),
3% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
{Intelligence (9) +
Dexterity (9) +
Strength (9)},
Fortitude (12)
Dwarven helmet.png Dwarven Helmet 230

6 42.0 oz Strength (8),
1% physical resistance,
1% fire resistance

Superior (5),
Vitality (30/23/15),
Fortitude (12),
Strength (9)
Warlord Helmet.png Warlord Helmet 240

9 48.0 oz Strength (8),
1% physical resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Vitality (45/34/23),
Strength (10),
Fortitude (13)
Green Helmet of the Fallen King.gif Helmet of the Fallen King 250

13 28.6 oz Strength (9)

Streamlined (15),
Vitality (75/57/38),
Strength (10),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Fortitude (13)
Agavan Helmet.png Agavan Helmet 330

11 75.0 oz Strength (11),
1% physical resistance,
1% lifedrain resistance,
1% poison resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Lifedrain, 1%),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Strength (14),
Fortitude (18)
Virulent Helmet.png Virulent Helmet 330

10 38.9 oz Strength (12),
3% poison resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Poison, 1%),
Vitality (40/30/20),
Strength (14),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Fortitude (18)
Hellforged Helmet Hellforged Helmet 350

11 380.0 oz Strength (12),
2% physical resistance

Superior (2),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Resistance (Death, 2%),
Vitality (50/38/25),
Strength (15),
Fortitude (19)
Mephitic Helmet.png Mephitic Helmet 380

10 42.0 oz Strength (13),
3% poison resistance,
1% physical resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance (Poison, 1%),
Vitality (40/30/20),
Strength (16),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Fortitude (20)
Infernoscale Helmet.png Infernoscale Helmet 390

10 55.0 oz Strength (14), 1% fire resistance, 1% physical resistance

Superior (1), Vitality (60/45/30), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Resistance (Fire, 1%), Strength (17) Fortitude (21)
Horned Helmet Horned Helmet 400

11 51.0 oz Strength (14)

Superior (1),
Resistance (Physical, 3%),
Resistance (Fire, 3%),
Vitality (75/57/38),
Strength (16),
Fortitude (21)
Falcon Helmet.png Falcon Helmet 400

11 44.0 oz Dexterity (14), Intelligence (14), Strength (14), Speed (+3), Resistance (Energy 1%)

Resistance (Energy, 2%), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Superior (1), Streamlined (3), LINKED:{Intelligence (16) + Dexterity (16) + Strength (16)}, Fortitude (21)
Umbral Helmet.png Umbral Helmet 450

11 95.0 oz Strength (16),
3% death resistance,
3% curse resistance

Superior (1),
Vitality (70/53/35),
Resistance (Curse, 2%),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Strength (19),
Fortitude (24)
Radiant Helmet.png Radiant Helmet 470

11 93.0 oz Strength (17),
1% physical resistance,
1% fire resistance,
2% holy resistance

Superior (1),

Vitality (65/50/30),
Resistance (Fire, 2%),
Resistance (Holy, 2%),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Strength (21),
Fortitude (23)

Helmet of Suffering.png Helmet of Suffering 500

13 145.0 oz Strength (19),
2% physical resistance

Superior (1),
Vitality (75/57/38),
Resistance (Physical, 2%),
Resistance (Elements, 2%),
Strength (23),
Fortitude (26)
Nocturne Helmet.png Nocturne Helmet 600

11 95.0 oz Strength (21),
4% death resistance,
4% curse resistance

Superior (1),
Vitality (70/53/35),
Resistance (Curse, 4%),
Resistance (Physical, 1%),
Strength (26),
Fortitude (32)

Archer Helmets

Image: Name: Item
Arm: Weight: Properties: Att % Attributes:
Crusader helmet.png Crusader Helmet 50

8 52.0 oz Dexterity (1)

Dexterity (2),
Fortitude (+1 HP per 8 ticks),
Vitality (25/19/13)
Crocodile Helmet.png Crocodile Helmet 50

7 43.0 oz Dexterity (2)

Superior (?),
Fortitude (+? HP per ? ticks),
Dexterity (2)
Scorpid Hood Scorpid Hood 60

7 35.0 oz Dexterity (2)

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
Superior (1),
Streamlined (8),
Dexterity (2)
Demonbone helmet.png Demonbone Helmet 80

8 25.0 oz Intelligence (3),
Dexterity (3),
2% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
{Dexterity (3) +
Intelligence (3) +
Intellect (15)}
Blue hood.png Blue Hood 80

1 3.0 oz Dexterity (5)

Dexterity (6)
Assassin Hood.png Assassin Hood 100

5 14.0 oz Dexterity (3)

Streamlined (5),
Dexterity (4)|
Fiery Helmet Fiery Helmet 120

5 52.0 oz Dexterity (4),
1% fire resistance

Superior (1),
Vitality (10/8/5),
Resistance (Fire, 1%),
Dexterity (5)
Bascinet.png Bascinet 130

9 75.0 oz Dexterity (4)

Superior (2),
Dexterity (5),
Vitality (35/27/18)
Demon helmet.png Demon Helmet 150

10 29.5 oz Intelligence (5),
Dexterity (5),
Strength (5)

Superior (1),
Resistance (Fire, 3%),
{Resistance (Energy, 3%) +
Intellect (25)},
{Intelligence (7) +
Dexterity (7) +
Strength (7)}
Ent Mask Ent Mask 180

9 46.0 oz Dexterity (6),
2% poison resistance

Superior (1),
Resistance [Poison, 1%],
Dexterity (7)
Panther Helmet.png Panther Helmet 190

6 46.0 oz Dexterity (6),
+10 speed

Superior (1),
Dexterity (8),
Fortitude (+? HP per ? ticks)
Plague Mask.png Plague Mask 220

4 8.9 oz Intelligence (7),
Dexterity (7),
Strength (7),
3% poison resistance

Resistance (Poison, 2%),
{Intelligence (9) +
Dexterity (9) +
Strength (9)},
Fortitude (12)
Lightbringer Helmet.gif Lightbringer Helmet 230

10 80.0 oz Dexterity (8)

Superior (1),
Resistance (Death, 4%),
Streamlined (10),
Dexterity (9)
Spider Chain Helmet.png Spider Chain Helmet 250

8 34.0 oz Dexterity (9),
1% poison resistance,
+5 speed

Streamlined (10),
Dexterity (10),
Resistance (Poison, 3%)
Rogue Helmet Rogue Helmet 300

7 29.5 oz Dexterity (10),
+5 speed

Dexterity (13),
{Streamlined (15) +
Lean (-20)}
Angelic helmet.png Angelic Helmet 320

11 260.0 oz Dexterity (11),
2% holy resistance,
4% lifedrain resistance

Superior (1),
Dexterity (13),
Resistance (Holy, 2%),
{Streamlined (10) +
Lean (-60)}
Pegasus Helmet.png Pegasus Helmet 340

11 34.0 oz Dexterity (12), Resistance (Death, 2%), +3 speed

Superior (1), Dexterity (14), Streamlined (5), Resistance (Death, 1%), Resistance [Elements, 1%]

Albino Scale Helmet.png Albino Scale Helmet 350

11 53.0 oz Dexterity (12),
1% fire resistance

Superior (2),
Resistance (Fire, 3%),
Vitality (50/38/25),
Dexterity (15),
Dragon's Breath
Falcon Helmet.png Falcon Helmet 400

11 44.0 oz Dexterity (14), Intelligence (14), Strength (14), Speed (+3), Resistance (Energy 1%)

Resistance (Energy, 2%), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Superior (1), Streamlined (3), LINKED:{Intelligence (16) + Dexterity (16) + Strength (16)}, Fortitude (21)
Helmet of Torment.png Helmet of Torment 500

12 74.5 oz Dexterity (19),
+5 speed

Superior (1),
Dexterity (23),
Streamlined (10),
Sixth Sense (1%),
Resistance [Elements, 1%],
Resistance (Physical, 1%)

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