Shield of Honour

From Medivia Online Wiki
Shield of Honour
You see a Shield of Honour (Def:37). 
It weighs 54.0 oz.
A mighty shield that is warded by the gods of Medivia.
Item Rank:170
Properties:Strength (2), 2% death resistance
 Vitality (35/27/18), Guardian (5), Fortified (1), Block (4%), Resistance (Physical, 1%), Strength (3)
Description:A mighty shield that is warded by the gods of Medivia.
Weight:54.0 oz
Dropped by:None.
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
ArakDraculd (50,000 gp)
Note:The shield is only obtainable from the Item Tasks.
Old sprites: Shield of honour.png 684.gif

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