Chaos Shield

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Revision as of 14:49, 10 October 2019 by Saelvas Saelvius (talk | contribs)
Chaos Shield
You see a Chaos Shield (Def:38). 
It weighs 189.0 oz.
Ancient drake has been sealed within this shield to empower it with great power.
Stamina (100), Resistance (Physical, 2%), Guardian (8-9), Block (5%), Fortified (1)
Description:Ancient drake has been sealed within this shield to empower it with great power.
Weight:189.0 oz
Dropped by:Shadow Drake
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
AbukirWulkan (500,000 gp, must complete Helping a friend Wulkan first.)
Note:The best shield obtainbale in-game, provides 3 sqm of deep purple light.
This powerful shield has a hidden effect which has a ?% chance to trigger when a creature hits you with a physical attack (doesn't work on PVP)
and deal between 5 and 60 Chaos damage (random amount).

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