
From Medivia Online Wiki
Revision as of 12:08, 20 June 2024 by MoonMoon (talk | contribs)
Heart.png Hit Points: 18600
Xp.png Experience: 24000
Summon.png Summon:
Convince.png Convince:
Abilities:Melee (0-800?), Death Strike (200-400?), Death Bomb (300-600?), Death Wave (500-1000?), Death Beam (500-1200?), Summons 2 Shade
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:3500+
Immune To:?
Task:(Demonic Faction)
Note:Very high level creatures.
Strategy:Tank them diagonally so you can avoid the wave and beam ability, make sure you keep them facing away from shooters.
Loot:0-3 Polished Amethyst, Shadowfall (semi-rare), Forgotten Soul (rare), Steel Boots (rare), Deepshadow Legs (extremely rare), Soulstealer Armor (extremely rare)
Very Common 0-100 Gold Coin, 0-5 Mind Stone, Wand of Light
Uncommon Polished Emerald
Semi-Rare Sudden Death Rune, Giant Sword
Rare Mastermind Shield
Location:Drowner's Lake, Torem's Court and Corruptor Hell Entrance

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