Dragon Lord

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Revision as of 00:11, 3 July 2024 by Link (talk | contribs)
Dragon Lord
Dragon lord.png
Heart.png Hit Points: 1900
Xp.png Experience: 4200
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Melee (0-200), Great Fireball (100-175), Fire Wave (175-250), Fire Bomb, Light Healing (50-125)
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:+600 damage per turn
Immune To:Fire, Poison, Invisibility
Task:500 (Experience Tasks)
Note:Dragon Lords attack their enemy with strong fire abilities. They run away in low health. A dangerous creature for low levels.
Old sprite:3983.png
Strategy:A group of low levels can hunt these with 1 blocker (at least 650 HP Knight) and a few shooters using Heavy Magic Missiles. Higher levels can group and explo them, although this creature is generally hunted either solo or duo by mid level players.
KnightsKnights can kill these solo at around level 80 with good skills (85/85) and Heavy Magic Missiles. Keep in mind that you will heavily waste on them.
Mages and DruidsMages and druids need to be higher level to solo these without Magic Shield. Keep in mind that you will heavily waste on them.
ArchersArchers can kill these solo at around level 80.
Very Common 0-250 Gold Coin, 0-5 Dragon Ham
Common Green Mushroom, Gemmed Book
Uncommon Power Bolt, Small Sapphire, Energy Ring, Golden Mug
Semi-Rare Red Dragon Scale
Rare Life Crystal, Strange Helmet
Very Rare Fire Sword, Tower Shield, Royal Helmet
Extremely Rare Dragon Scale Mail, Flaming Bow, Dragon Lord Trophy
Skinnable:Red leather.png Red Leather Skinning knife.png 10%
Location:Orc Fortress, PoI Dragon Lords,Garrogat Dragon Lair, deep inside Cyclopolis, Yehsha Dragon Lairs, Arak Dragon Mountain

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