Blocking and Armor

From Medivia Online Wiki
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  • Items used for defence are Shields, Axes, Swords or Clubs. Melee weapons' defence values ONLY count when a shield isn't worn, and then your weapon type melee skill is counted as your blocking skill in the dmg reduction formula.
  • Only one defence source counts, which means only one of two shields works.
  • If both a weapon and a shield are equipped, only the shield counts as a def source.
  • You can block up to two physical attacks per turn (2 seconds) - any physical attack after the first two will bypass the "shield" damage reduction and directly hit the armor or target if no armor is worn.
  • You can block both melee and distance physical attacks from creatures, but players' distance attacks will ignore your shield. Magical/elemental damage is not affected by defence or armor (but it can be reduced through the use of (druid) Spells, Properties and Attributes).
  • When physical damage is reduced to 0 or below by your "shield/defence", then a poof animation will appear on your character.
  • Fist fighting has a default defence value of 7.
  • Distance Weapons have 0 defence.
  • Having 2 creatures hitting you while training is the optimal way to train your blocking skill. You need to bleed your target once every 15 turns (30 seconds) when blocking 2 creatures in order for your skill to continue advancing as you keep getting hit, since it counts the next 30 hits.
  • Only "poofs" (shield-blocked hits) go towards increasing your blocking skill!
  • Training methods are the same as shown on the Melee Skill page, if you train with summons you should lure 2 Rats or Rotworms or something weak to hit you for blocking advancement.
  • Knights and Archers advance in blocking at the same speed, while mages and druids advance much more slowly.
  • Any vocation can increase their blocking skill by wearing Shields with the Guardian Attribute or temporarily by using Baked Maris Feasts.
  • Upon completion of the Demonic Faction knights are promoted into Crusader Knights and receive a 5% boost to the damage they block with a shield.

Shield Damage Reduction Formula

The amount of damage blocked depends on your fighting stances,
these are the defence factors:
Offensive.png Offensive: 0.5 (50%)
Balanced.png Balanced: 0.75 (75%)
Defensive.png Defensive: 1 (100%)

a = Defense Value
b = Shielding Skill (or weapon skill if no shield)
c = Defence Factor

Maximum Shield Dmg Reduction Formula:
{a * [b^(6/5)] * c * 0.05} +10

The minimum damage blocked is 0, so on hit a random number is chosen between 0 and your Max Block Value.


  • Commonly referred to as Arm.
  • Items which give armor are Armors, Helmets, Legs, Boots and some Amulets.
  • Armor only reduces physical damage (both Melee and Distance) and not magical/elemental damage (which can be reduced with (druid) Spells, Properties and Attributes). Unlike Shielding, armor can reduce the damage of any number of physical hits in one turn.
  • When physical damage is reduced to 0 or below by your "arm", then a yellow sparks animation will appear on your character.
  • Any vocation can increase their total armor further by wearing equipment with the Superior Attribute.

Armor Damage Reduction Formula

Unlike blocking, armor damage reduction is not affected by your fighting stance or any kind of skill.

Maximum Armor Dmg Reduction Formula:
[Total Arm^(3/2)] * 0.26 + 0.99
Minimum Armor Dmg Reduction Formula:
[Total Arm^(4/3)] * 0.27

The average armor damage reduction value is calculated by putting together your minimum and maximum possible reduction and then dividing the result by 2.

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