Archbishop Zorbar

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Revision as of 20:15, 20 June 2023 by Madzi (talk | contribs)
See also: Archbishop Zorbar (NPC).png Archbishop Zorbar (NPC).
Archbishop Zorbar
Heart.png Hit Points: 1,500,000+?
Xp.png Experience: ?
Summon.png Summon: --
Convince.png Convince: --
Abilities:Holy Explosion (100-500~), Holy Beam (900~), Holy Ball (400-750~),
Holy Nova (800-1100~; very large AoE), Large Holy Ball (500-1000~; self-targeted, GFB size),
Holy Smite Announced (700-2200+; randomly appearing Explosion-shaped attacks, announced by 2 smaller low-dmg attacks which come before it - SEE IN NOTE),
Holy Bomb Announced (1500-2000+?; randomly appearing diamond-shaped attacks, announced by a non-damaging holy animation of the same shape that occurs 2 seconds before,
Final Incantation (4000-7000~; he starts casting divine symbols around himself and begins chanting and after about 8 seconds the spell is cast; ALL BUT THE BLOCKER SHOULD RUN OUT OF RANGE - SEE IN NOTE)
Push Objects:✔️
Est. Max Damage:7500+? HP per turn
Immune To:Invisibility, ?
Note:You can participate in the bossfight and reward without having any progress within the faction, but level 100 (but be warned health lower than 2000 is risky and more than likely end in a death) is required or you will not be teleported into the fight.

An extremely powerful boss, requires a large team to defeat. The one on this mission must speak to the Archbishop to start the fight.

WARNING: You won't be able to leave the room until the fight is done, either by the Archbishop being defeated or the mission host dying.

Holy Smite warning and Final Incantation chant:

Holy Storm warning.gif Final Incantation.gif
Strategy:5 Holy Sentinels will spawn, 1 by 1 with about 10 seconds inbetween each spawn.

The Archbishop himself is insanely dangerous, it is recommended for the blockers to be extremely high-leveled (400-450+) and have multiple healers. The blockers should use highly protective equipment with Properties and Attributes, it may also be smart to use a Blessed Amulet as well as Exquisite Barbel Feasts for their 10 seconds of 25% damage reduction (at least for the final incantation), as well as druids' Staff of the Primordial Fire active effect which reduces incoming damage by 10% for 1 minute.
He can be lured to one of the south corners of the cathedral where he can then be trapped by 2 blockers next to pillars.

He will randomly disappear and reappear somewhere inside the room several times during the battle!
All shooters should be highly aware of the bishop's teleporting around the room and his powerful attacks (which can easily prove fatal): the Holy Smite random "announced" attacks as described and shown above and the Final Incantation ultimate spell. It is highly recommended that everyone try very hard to avoid attacks, shooters should use Might Rings and mages use Magic Shield.
Loot:A reward chest is put up in the rebels' hideout in Dynahall for all participants to claim 1-2 rewards from a list of possible items, some of which are rare and/or only obtainable from this reward chest! (List below)
Location:White Light Sanctuary cathedral (only when summoned by someone on the mission to defeat him for the White Light Faction)

Go back to Creatures.

Possible Rewards:
Image: Name:
RTENOTITLE Mastermind Shield
RTENOTITLE Elite Knight Helmet
RTENOTITLE Elite Knight Armor
RTENOTITLE Elite Knight Legs
RTENOTITLE Elite Knight Boots
RTENOTITLE Crescent Mace
RTENOTITLE Crescent Sword
RTENOTITLE Magic Plate Armor
RTENOTITLE Blessed Pendant
RTENOTITLE Angelic Boots
RTENOTITLE Angelic Helmet
RTENOTITLE Angelic Platemail
RTENOTITLE and others?