Blue Robe

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Blue Robe
You see a Blue Robe (Arm:11). 
It weighs 22.0 oz.
It is a magic robe.
Item Rank:70
Properties:Intelligence (3)
LINKED:{Intelligence (3) + Intellect (10)}, Presence of Mind (1), Mana Absorb
Description:It is a magic robe.
Weight:22.0 oz
Dropped by:Lich, Banshee, Shattered Soul, Tar Priest, Servant of Suffocent, Arcestar, Shakirian Prayer, Warlock, Walius, Frost Apprentice, Blue Fungi, Agaltha, Wraith, Wight, Chaos Worshiper, Uliax, Ancient Watcher, Azure Mercenary, Ritualist, Groma, Tempestas (Sheol), Spectral Archon
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
FalconAshun (10,000 gp; only after completing the The Explorers Guild
YehshaNah'Bob (10,000 gp; only after completing the Blue Djinn missions)
Note:A robe very commonly used by lower level mages due to its solid arm rating and light weight.
Obtainable through the Medusa Shield Quest.
Old sprite: 696.gif

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