Gold Ring

From Medivia Online Wiki
Gold Ring.png
You see a Gold Ring
It weighs 1.0 oz.
Vitality (30/23/15)
Weight:1.0 oz
Dropped by:Anubis, Tar Monstrosity, Trollum, Ogre Warrior, Manticore, Sphinx, Demon, Ashlord, Soulless, Gorgon, Phoenix, Radiant Phoenix, Blood Sphinx, Holy Sentinel, Shadow Guard, Ritualist, Dreadlord, Balremaach, Tainted Protector, Oathbreaker, Obsidian Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Parasite
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
FalconEnorth (8,000 gp; only after completing the The Explorers Guild)
OsarisZiyad (8,000 gp; only after completing the Loyality and Devotion Quest)
Note:Possible reward from The Magma Lair dungeon.
Old sprite: Gold Ring.gif

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