Demon Shield

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Demon Shield
You see a Demon Shield (Def:35). 
It weighs 26.0 oz.
This powerful shield seems to be as light as air.
Item Rank:160
Properties:Strength (2), 1% fire resistance
Resistance (Fire, 2%), Guardian (4), Fortified (1), Block (3%), Strength (3)
Description:This powerful shield seems to be as light as air.
Weight:26.0 oz
Dropped by:Bedsore, Demon, Demorc Brute, Succubus, Uliaarthar, Balremaach
Buy from:Players only.
Sell to:
FalconEnorth (30,000 gp; only after completing the The Explorers Guild)
OsarisZiyad (30,000 gp; only after completing the Loyality and Devotion Quest)
Outlaw CampP.K. (130 gp)
Note:The light weight of this shield makes it popular among mages. Obtainable through the Titan Quest and the Demon Helmet Quest.
Old sprite: 74.gif

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